Oh nice finally a "Gengar GX" haha, can't wait to see what it does! 
Straight to the bench im pretty sure.Hmm.. so does anyone know if this goes straight to the bench, or is this some sort of evolutionary type thing?
i would think Alakazam. but my choice to make one would be...Maybe Mewtwo and Abra.
I think alakazam and mewtwo would be too overpowered. But you are right. Mewtwo and alakazam would be really awesome. While we are hoping maybe they will make Mewtwo and Deoxys.i would think Alakazam. but my choice to make one would be...
Genesect and Beedrill
I'm sorry? You said too much CG going on? Look at the Pikachu & Zekrom card closely. That's hand-drawn artwork by Mitsuhiro Arita, not a CG artist. So quite frankly, as a collector and as someone who loves traditional artwork over CG, this makes me far more interested in Tag Team GX's than most other GX (and EX) cards ever have. (It is also an interesting concept for the TCG itself.)''Tag Team GX'' might be interesting if you play the game, but come on, this just looks very cheap from a collector's point of view. Too much action packed CGI going on, especially in the already quite busy GX-card lay out. I guess that's just what appeals to the kids nowadays..
Compliments for the idea though. It does give a lot of interesting possibilities and I am curious for the rest of these cards, like Mimikiyu/Gengar. Just hope they start looking (a lot) better.. Maybe at least the Full Arts?! : )
The card will be most likely weak to dark, as both are ghost types in the game, and gengar at least is weak to dark (its neutral against mimikyu cuz fairy)I wonder if it will have a weakness. If it has a psychic weakness than Naganadel will probably make this card unplayable.
I'm sorry? You said too much CG going on? Look at the Pikachu & Zekrom card closely. That's hand-drawn artwork by Mitsuhiro Arita, not a CG artist. So quite frankly, as a collector and as someone who loves traditional artwork over CG, this makes me far more interested in Tag Team GX's than most other GX (and EX) cards ever have. (It is also an interesting concept for the TCG itself.)
No problem! Looking too busy and therefore not appealing is totally understandable. But if it looked bad because it's CG, I had to say something! Ha ha.Well, would have to take that back than (I didn't look at the close up because it just looked ugly, My bad). You're right, definitely not CGI and a lot better, however I still think the card is way to busy and a bit cheap looking.. Maybe just not my style.
However I do agree that if these cards are indeed all drawn, that promises something, and, as I stated above, I also like this new concept because it does give room for some interesting artworks! Thanks for the notification.
No problem! Looking too busy and therefore not appealing is totally understandable. But if it looked bad because it's CG, I had to say something! Ha ha.
I do wonder how these will look, as well. I feel like Gengar and Mimikyu should look less busy, but at this point who knows. I'm also curious if Mitsuhiro Arita will be the only artist working on the Tag Team GX's or if there will be others. If I recall correctly, he was the artist who made the secret rare EX's in the XY BREAK era. So part of me thinks it might just be him, but it would be neat to see others too.
That Gardivior is probably my favorite EX-full art they made in that block, they really nailed the balance there IMO.I did like the secret rares from the XY break era somewhat (especially that Steam Siege Gardevoir)
Maybe Mewtwo and Abra.