Finished PokéBeach Big Brother: House of Horrors

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i see yall have been roasting my fire gameplay. little did you know this was all part of my MASTER PLAN .
basically i tried to appear as helpless as possible by asking for advice from my allies and not trying my hardest at HoH and idol of life competitions. in doing so i successfully managed to stay under the radar of everyone.
for those who say that i was trying and just couldn't do well look at my scores in the face your fears challenge, the leap of faith idol of life and winterbells. 2 of these challenges were ones in which i was forced to try. In the face your fears challenge i beat the original score by a large margin and in winterbells i only did worse than Lorde (someone who has much more experience with the game than I), and in the leap of faith i actually got the highest score in the Idol of Life. I did this cause i felt that i needed to make it look like i was trying and was just good at certain games and worse at others I also knew that this was something not many people would notice me doing well in and i was correct in that hypothesis

To Hermes: your playstyle was the exact opposite of mine while you went full force and won as many competitions as you could i held back and made myself seem like as small of a threat as possible. with this strategy you put yourself at a much greater risk than anyone else in fact you were nominated for every death tag that you didn't win once you showed how much of a threat you were, and that is why i'm still alive you made an enemy of everyone you weren't an ally with while i was an enemy of noone and an ally to many. To your point about how it feels like I benefited a lot from the twists i only actually benefited from one that being week four where i "died" (best week btw that was super entertaining to watch) and that was a side-effect of me pushing the boundaries of what i knew the hostess would and wouldn't do. See i knew Violet would never actually kill us without some kind of warning which is why i played so aggressively with the hostess and all the convos with her i figured. I figured at best i come out with an advantage and at worst i get a disadvantage like the dainslef. but who cares? I had an alliance on my side and i knew that nobody would want to waste a nom that they could use to eliminate a threat like you on me.

other reasons why yall should vote me and i dont know where to put this cause i dont know how to structure these apparently:
1: as explained in my "Master Plan" segment i used my noobishness to my advantage to go basically unnoticed throughout the entire game.
2: I never betrayed anyone unlike some people who shall not be named, and in fact tried to help those who came to me asking for help in idols of life voting to save them etc.
3: i will always be able to name 1 more prime number than you can
4: I knew what Violet would and wouldnt do and played accordingly by taking every opportunity to interact with the hostess in hopes of having something happen doing so netted me an advantage in week 4 and the dainslef (which didnt really effect me too much)
please ask questions if you need me to clear up any confusion you have regarding my strategy
Well... uh, I feel a bit awkward. I kinda just wanted to apologize for... doing absolutely nothing the entire game. I honestly didn't really know what I was signing up for, or what was gonna happen, nor did I develop any form of strategy... it wasn't until Gekki started talking about it that I realized i'm looking at this game wrong...

I feel like me voting would... be really bad. I wasn't involved with anyone, and I don't know an ounce of how anyone else played aside from TE... in which we forged a ever-so-tiny alliance right before I got modkilled...

TL;DR, i'm sorry for being ignorant to what this game really is
Also, hands down it could've been betrayal. People have feelings, dude. You seem to not be aware that the way people feel can affect every little decision they make in these games, that bolded comment just makes you seem ignorant to that. That's another reason I'm at my best in the social game, keep people on my good side, let them feel good about me. You did, LC did, Hermes did. It all worked out in the end.
And emotion is a possibility that I bring up literally the sentence after the one you’re criticizing me for. Maybe LC didn’t want me in the game, but TE and mirdo were both people who I was on good terms with, despite betraying TE and LC. mirdo wanted you gone and asked me to help with that after we got Hermes out, so you certainly were not perfect in that regard. Sure, it worked out for you in the end. That’s because I helped to cover you by voting out the person who would’ve wanted you gone. I had a LC who wanted me out, you had a mirdo who wanted you out.

Also, about Cody, can that be considered a blindside and a big move for you when you were the only one who gave a damn?
i see yall have been roasting my fire gameplay. little did you know this was all part of my MASTER PLAN .
basically i tried to appear as helpless as possible by asking for advice from my allies and not trying my hardest at HoH and idol of life competitions. in doing so i successfully managed to stay under the radar of everyone.
reasons why yall should vote me and i dont know where to put this cause i dont know how to structure these apparently:
1: as explained in my "Master Plan" segment i used my noobishness to my advantage to go basically unnoticed throughout the entire game.
2: I never betrayed anyone unlike some people who shall not be named, and in fact tried to help those who came to me asking for help in idols of life voting to save them etc.
3: i will always be able to name 1 more prime number than you can
4: I knew what Violet would and wouldnt do and played accordingly by taking every opportunity to interact with the hostess in hopes of having something happen doing so netted me an advantage in week 4 and the dainslef (which didnt really effect me too much)
please ask questions if you need me to clear up any confusion you have regarding my strategy
1. Every single person in this finale has thrown competitions, and I’ve always tried to undersell myself in the public eye in these games. I still try to play behind the scenes and make moves.

2. Why is betrayal a bad thing? Why should Lorde or myself lose for it?

3. I have no doubt that you absolutely can. :p

4. You weren’t the only one who learned from that fake death. My first wall of text for the finale says that I played around the EoW too.
These. Posts. Get. Longer. Every. Time.
basically i tried to appear as helpless as possible by asking for advice from my allies and not trying my hardest at HoH and idol of life competitions. in doing so i successfully managed to stay under the radar of everyone.
That's called coasting, dude. This is a typical coaster response when describing their strategy, spinning their lack of interesting gameplay into their defining strategy. Coasters generally stick to one alliance, and rely on stronger (whether that be physical or strategic) allies to get to the end. I'm now fully convinced you fit that bill.
For those who say that i was trying and just couldn't do well look at my scores in the face your fears challenge
Not argument related, but I will forever be salty about getting Hall of Knives for that challenge...
other reasons why yall should vote me and i dont know where to put this cause i dont know how to structure these apparently:
1: as explained in my Master Plan segment i used my noobishness to my advantage to go basically unnoticed throughout the entire game.
2: I never betrayed anyone unlike some people who shall not be named, and in fact tried to help those who came to me asking for help in idols of life voting to save them etc.
3: i will always be able to name 1 more prime number than you can
4: I knew what Violet would and wouldnt do and played accordingly by taking every opportunity to interact with the hostess in hopes of having something happen doing so netted me an advantage in week 4 and the dainslef (which didnt really effect me too much)
please ask questions if you need me to clear up any confusion you have regarding my strategy
1: There's a big difference between playing under the radar and coasting. Under the radar is NP's blindside and LC being fully convinced I had nothing to do with it. Coasting is admitting to playing the game at a minimum and calling it a strategy.
2: That doesn't always equal good gameplay, though. There are cases where sticking with a group harms your game.
3: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4: Blakers said it, I don't need to repeat him.

Well... uh, I feel a bit awkward. I kinda just wanted to apologize for... doing absolutely nothing the entire game. I honestly didn't really know what I was signing up for, or what was gonna happen, nor did I develop any form of strategy... it wasn't until Gekki started talking about it that I realized i'm looking at this game wrong...

I feel like me voting would... be really bad. I wasn't involved with anyone, and I don't know an ounce of how anyone else played aside from TE... in which we forged a ever-so-tiny alliance right before I got modkilled...

TL;DR, i'm sorry for being ignorant to what this game really is
Don't apologize, when you were nominated you started to take some agency and to me that shows there is a player in you. But when it comes to our season-long plays, at this point all three of us have laid out our games to you, the jury, to read. You should look over them, and if you have any questions I'm sure we'd be glad to answer them.
And emotion is a possibility that I bring up literally the sentence after the one you’re criticizing me for. Maybe LC didn’t want me in the game, but TE and mirdo were both people who I was on good terms with, despite betraying TE and LC. mirdo wanted you gone and asked me to help with that after we got Hermes out, so you certainly were not perfect in that regard. Sure, it worked out for you in the end. That’s because I helped to cover you by voting out the person who would’ve wanted you gone. I had a LC who wanted me out, you had a mirdo who wanted you out.
And the difference with that is LC had agency. Also, fact check, mirdo was out the same time Hermes was, so I assume you mean when NP was blindsided? Cool, mirdo wanted me out. Shocker not really, but I had no reason to be afraid of mirdo. You still went along with sending him packing effectively, again, making a decision benefitting me since apparently he wanted me sent home.
Also, about Cody, can that be considered a blindside and a big move for you when you were the only one who gave a damn?
To him, at least. That still clearly means I'm playing the game and making conscious moves to put myself in as good a position as possible. That vote meant little in the grand scheme of things, which is why I'm confused why we're still discussing it. While I do think Cody could've thrown wrenches in my game had he stuck around, keep in mind, nowhere did I say it was a big move for me, I listed it as simply a move at all. It wasn't game changing, subtle or anything, just something I did.
Cool, mirdo wanted me out. Shocker not really, but I had no reason to be afraid of mirdo. You still went along with sending him packing effectively, again, making a decision benefitting me since apparently he wanted me sent home.
This is exactly why I was ok with upsetting LC, I wasn’t really scared of him. That final Grand Reaper Challenge was crazy unpredictable, and mirdo could have won the same way LC did had I kept him. I decided to upset one person rather than two, and simply had a bad stroke of luck in the top four GR. But at that point where I voted mirdo out I didn’t think anything of it since in most challenges the odds of one of us winning the final four were pretty high.
@Lord o da rings, @TOTAL_EPICNESS, @Blakers:
Which one of you played me the hardest?
Considering the conditions of the alliance post-NP blindside, probably me. I can't imagine a reason TE wouldn't be straight w/ you, and I'm sure Blakers didn't tell you a lot of things but I wouldn't consider that "playing" a person. Especially considering you believed I was innocent after the whole thing, and I definitely used that to my advantage socially.
This is exactly why I was ok with upsetting LC, I wasn’t really scared of him. That final Grand Reaper Challenge was crazy unpredictable, and mirdo could have won the same way LC did had I kept him. I decided to upset one person rather than two, and simply had a bad stroke of luck in the top four GR. But at that point where I voted mirdo out I didn’t think anything of it since in most challenges the odds of one of us winning the final four were pretty high.
Yeah, that's fair. Going into it that's understandable, since this was certainly an... odd Final 4. Probably the best way overall to describe it.
@Lord o da rings, @TOTAL_EPICNESS, @Blakers:
Which one of you played me the hardest?
Lorde and I both betrayed you, TE didn’t play you at all. Lorde set it up so she wouldn’t get caught, and I didn’t really care if I did. Also, the reason that the alliance initially existed was so I didn’t go up Week 1 like you had been considering. Honestly, I wouldn’t say that any of us played you incredibly hard. Me nominating you wasn’t even betrayal, as I made my motives very clear in the Dainslef chat and made you both aware that it had no effect on who went home as long as we won the veto.
Wow, congrats on making it to the end you guys, it's wild to see this game coming to end! The way I see it, two of you can win this game and deserve it. Those people are obviously Lorde and Blakers. I think you both played incredible games, and I’d be happy if either of you won knowing both of you deserved it, but I'm definitely leaning towards Lorde.

Based on her handicap of being a past winner, she never should’ve made it this far. Think about it, she won in the most landslide vote in the game’s history last season, and likely for a good reason. She should’ve been the biggest public enemy all game, she should’ve been the first person evicted, but not once did anyone make a play to get rid of her! In hindsight, that’s mindblowing! Now before I go completely off the rails, here are some questions:
I know that this was not asked. But to me, it seems like you view me somewhat as the poor man’s Lorde, who played a similar but lesser game in comparison to her given her past achievements. So there are a couple things I would like to try to explain from my point of view.

Lorde is not the only winner of a forum game who is in this finale. I myself won The Challenge 8 back in February, and have gone far in every season of Big Brother to date. There is no reason that I should not have been targeted either, besides the fact that I’ve always downplayed my own achievements to make myself less of a target. Lorde and Violet both know better than anyone that that’s how I like to operate in these games. As of right now, sitting next to someone whose accomplishments are as clear as hers are, it may have worked a little too well.

Her being a past winner didn’t serve as a handicap at all, either. That’s the reason that she was teamed up with you and Nick at the start of the game, and both of you were about as loyal to her as loyal can possibly be. I was not one of the people who thought this way, but I’m also fairly certain that some people didn’t target her partially because they thought that a jury would not vote for anyone to win the game twice. As for nobody making a power move against her, there’s really not much of a reason for me to have made a move. I knew she wanted to sit next to me at the end no matter what, and I thought that my game could definitely contend with hers. Maybe I’m out of line, but I think that you would’ve had the most motive to try and take her out, since she betrayed you multiple times, and it would’ve been the ultimate bounty for your resume.

I don’t mean to take away from anything she has done this game. She has played a fantastic game and deserves to be here. But I would like to try to make sure that she is not overcredited based on what she has done during previous seasons.
Congrats to all the finalists! Glad to see you all here after being backdoored by my alliance in F6 again! <3

@Lord o da rings You make it to the finale on the basis of having a strong alliance, backstabbing allies when you needed to, and now you expect to win. Which is great and all, except I was just describing last season. :p To me, it felt like your play this season was just last season's play done again, and I've already rewarded you for that! I don't have any particular interest in doing it again, so what significant changes did you make to your game this time around that allowed you to make it to the end? (No, anything relating to winning last season being a handicap definitely doesn't count; if anything it helped you.)
@Blakers You have an unfortunate reputation in FGs that you're just friendly and play games without truly playing the game. And I'm normally an ardent defender of you, but this time, I feel like it might have happened. You say that people feel like you were a poor man's Lorde, but I'd argue more of a poor man's BB3 Blakers. You stayed under the radar, but this time people still targeted you at the end. You were part of a large power alliance, but this time you weren't essential in forming it and I feel like you weren't as much of a voice in the decision making of it either (certainly lower than myself and Lorde, and perhaps even lower than TE). You formed a fake deal with the enemy, but this time it didn't have such long-term and wide-reaching effects as your deal with Mariano last season. Can you prove me wrong?
@TOTAL_EPICNESS Last season, the most memorable part of you playing the game was being unaware of Jessica stealing your boyfriend. This season, you're in the finale, and though your humor may be on par with that of with last season, I don't think your game has anything that I'll being remembering nine months down the line. What was the largest move you made this game?

These questions may seem a bit harsh, but that's only because I really haven't decided upon my vote and want to give you all the greatest chance to earn it. Good luck to all of you! :D
There we go, I was waiting to see what you'd ask of me.
@Lord o da rings You make it to the finale on the basis of having a strong alliance, backstabbing allies when you needed to, and now you expect to win. Which is great and all, except I was just describing last season. :p To me, it felt like your play this season was just last season's play done again, and I've already rewarded you for that! I don't have any particular interest in doing it again, so what significant changes did you make to your game this time around that allowed you to make it to the end? (No, anything relating to winning last season being a handicap definitely doesn't count; if anything it helped you.)
My biggest change this time around would probably be actually taking more advantage of the "pawn" connections I had. Best example is easily Hermes with your eviction. Hermes had told me about his Axe after he'd gotten it (sorry Quaking I already knew), and I used that to go completely unscathed Week 7. I made more use of LC, I made incredible use of Hermes. If you remember, I wasn't in a position where I had those pawn votes on me last time, especially not late game (where I made use of them the most).

I think I also did a lot better this time around playing in a dominant position and not getting caught or targeted. I had that power last season, but I did a crummy job with hiding working with Violet, and when Mariano returned I nearly paid the price for it. Last season during my points of power I exposed myself too easily and didn't try to hide the fact I was in a power position. This time I think I hid that a lot better, and it's backed up by the lack of any serious targets on my back from start to finish. My moves were overall much more well calculated this time around, and I made much better and smarter use of my resources. But overall I didn't really see it as playing the same or a different game, I just saw it as playing the game to the best of my abilities the way I knew how to do it.
@Blakers You have an unfortunate reputation in FGs that you're just friendly and play games without truly playing the game. And I'm normally an ardent defender of you, but this time, I feel like it might have happened. You say that people feel like you were a poor man's Lorde, but I'd argue more of a poor man's BB3 Blakers. You stayed under the radar, but this time people still targeted you at the end. You were part of a large power alliance, but this time you weren't essential in forming it and I feel like you weren't as much of a voice in the decision making of it either (certainly lower than myself and Lorde, and perhaps even lower than TE). You formed a fake deal with the enemy, but this time it didn't have such long-term and wide-reaching effects as your deal with Mariano last season. Can you prove me wrong?
First, I’m going to make the argument that that is not a reputation that I have. It could potentially be argued for BB1, and I’ve joked about it before because I’m never in the spotlight. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone besides you argue that that’s how I play.

As for being a lesser version of myself, that’s something I’m going to have to disagree with completely. I did a very good job of staying under the radar, and only one person ever targeted me, and at the very end. I don’t think it’s very fair to say that I did a bad job in that regard. I did a good job, the alliance just worked, and it became a 2v2 at the end, and TE still probably would’ve wanted Lorde dead over me after the Dainslef week. You’re absolutely right that I wasn’t someone who formed that alliance, but none of the other finalists were either. As for decision making, most of my scheming happened outside of that chat. When I did strategize in there, I was an avid supporter of voting Quaking out, and was even the one who finally convinced you that he needed to go immediately. I was instrumental in helping lead the alliance through the Loserosis challenge. After you were eliminated, I called the shots during Week 8, and I was able to soundly convince both TE and LC that me initially nominating them was for the best.

As for the scheming that you didn’t see, I wanted Quaking gone since the start of Week 2, and I definitely didn’t want to risk you knowing that before he was even nominated! Gekki had been an ally of mine, so Lorde and I had to privately decide whether we would let you have your way with that or not, and we decided he wasn’t worth it. I knew that R3 would win the veto a couple days before he did, and set up an alliance with him that I could use just in case, but because of him saving Brave there was never anything for it to achieve. You already know I convinced mirdo to give me the veto win when Quaking went home. But one thing that I’m very proud of is planning out the rest of the game when 10 people were left. And the actual outcomes of the game hardly deviated from the plan.

On September 30, I was strategizing with Lorde and sent her the following message:
“But basically, we want:
FL modkill
Brave and Nyan/Hermes DE
Hermes goes if 7 left, NP goes if 6 left
mirdo goes at 5
One of us wins the final HOH and takes the other
Oh and kill Hermes again somewhere down the line”

I have a screenshot of this for you to see when the game is over. :p

The game went very similar to this. FL was modkilled, Nyan got modkilled and Brave was eliminated that week. The next week, the plan was to get rid of Hermes, but since he saved himself, you were next in line. Hermes then filled your slot at 6th, and mirdo was eliminated at 5th place. As for the final four, no plan could ever truly prepare for that, given how unpredictable it was.

The main purpose of that deal I made with Hermes was not to drastically flip the game. It was to cover all my bases. Once I did that, then I knew that theoretically I could not die the next week unless someone betrayed me, since everyone in the game had at least two people they wanted dead befor me.. I still maintain that I used the safety from my Idol win to have some influence on Quaking going up, but that was really the only thing that I actively used Hermes for outside of making sure I was safe. I still wanted him gone the whole time, and I never got caught for it, either. Lorde got caught lying to him twice, even if he never acted on it. Me not getting caught was essential in case he came back, and with Hermes I covered my tracks flawlessly.
Sorry for not being active, I haven’t had a chance to get on here lately, but quickly looking at the thread, there is only one thing I want to ask the survivors. Is there any reason you want the other players to win, and why?
Sorry for not being active, I haven’t had a chance to get on here lately, but quickly looking at the thread, there is only one thing I want to ask the survivors. Is there any reason you want the other players to win, and why?
I can’t say that I really want any of the others to win. I think that if I don’t win that Lorde deserves to, but I don’t want her winning the game over me. :p
Forgive me for entering during your finale night but I feel it's my responsibility as Hostess.

Well... uh, I feel a bit awkward. I kinda just wanted to apologize for... doing absolutely nothing the entire game. I honestly didn't really know what I was signing up for, or what was gonna happen, nor did I develop any form of strategy... it wasn't until Gekki started talking about it that I realized i'm looking at this game wrong...

I feel like me voting would... be really bad. I wasn't involved with anyone, and I don't know an ounce of how anyone else played aside from TE... in which we forged a ever-so-tiny alliance right before I got modkilled...

TL;DR, i'm sorry for being ignorant to what this game really is

This is the point of the finale, to have the finalists explain how they played to you, and a chance for you to ask questions on anything you want clarification on, or to otherwise assist you on coming to a final decision.

By refraining from voting and questioning, it essentially means that you are forgoing your position as a Jury member in order to contribute less to the game. If you choose to continue, there are posts for you to read through and you have yet to ask a single question out of the three you may ask, and you have five days to still send in a vote.

However, if a juror fails to vote, then their vote will be excluded or randomized. If necessary, I have another means of selecting up my sleeve, one I will be very disappointed to have to use.

If you choose not to continue, I would like to be notified ahead of time of your decision to abstain from your position so that I can use this other means I have originally hinted at. Keep in touch with me, @Nyan.

Finalists and Jury members, thank you for your patience. I have received only a single vote so far and you have lots of discussion to continue with. Thank you for your time, patience and contributions!

EDIT: Because I forgot to include it, here is your deadline counter until the end of the finale! This is the deadline for votes, shorten it by 24 hours to receive your deadline for questioning. Here is your final deadline!
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Sorry for not being active, I haven’t had a chance to get on here lately, but quickly looking at the thread, there is only one thing I want to ask the survivors. Is there any reason you want the other players to win, and why?
I feel like this could be asking us two different questions:
"Do you think someone else deserves to win over you?" - Not over/under me, since both of us played great games, but Blakers would be a deserving winner.
"Do you want someone else to win?" - No, not really, I'm playin' for keeps! I would prefer to win, since I think I played a game to justify that desire.

Because I forgot to include it, here is your deadline counter until the end of the finale! This is the deadline for votes, shorten it by 24 hours to receive your deadline for questioning. Here is your final deadline!
Ahem *enters host mode*, the only people yet to ask anything are @mirdo and @Nyan (Brave has a question left for TE). And I'd much rather prefer seeing someone crowned the winner instead of whatever else Vi plans to do.
Here to make a revision. @Nyan has chosen to abstain from their jury position, therefore I have some people to contact and will have to work out that solution I wasn't looking towards.

Your deadline has not yet changed, however it now has the possibility to, considering these circumstances.
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