A: Beedrill is really good. Against Tag Teams, just stick a Rainbow Energy to it and KO the Tag Team. 3 prizes, right there. It might not be good against single-prize Pokémon, but if TTs become THAT rampant, Beedrill will always be an option.
B: Gyarados looks mildly interesting, you can end up doing a lot with Magcargo and Mallow...
C: Alolan Golem looks nice, use Shuckle-Zerarora GX, get it powered fast, blow something up. Reliable? Good? No.
D: Tentecruel is a shield from UBs? I like it already!
E: WOW, Starmie looks GOOD. Is Malamar better? That remains to be seen.
F: Primape looks easy to pull up. Fighting energy, DCE, Stadium, easy 160. 190 with Choice Band. It works.

Fossil lock? FOSSIL LOCK? Woah! Supporter AND Item lock! There’s gonna be hoo-hah and hype around this one!
H: I like how Special Combo isn’t actually special.
I: Alolan Exeggutor, Propogation Eggs? 180, every turn? I see Expanded smiling behind its cards.
J: Nice to be back, isn’t it, Pokémon Communication? It’s decent. I haven’t had the pleasure of playing with it before, so I’ll see how it does soon.
K: Brock’s Grit! That’s pretty good!
L: Lavender Town looks like a nice tech, just to have around. Seeing your opponent’s hand helps, believe it or not.
M: Viridian Forest looks like a nice tech in, like, 3 decks. Just play more energy if you can’t find them! Why are you taking spaces for Viridian Forest when you could be using those same spaces for ENERGY!
N: Those new Trainer arts look SWEET. Now they don’t look like they’re suspended in animation somewhere in a computer system brought to life.
That’s all I have to say. This will certainly be an exciting set.