'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

What a bunch of useless Gx's why would you waste $20.
This is why I love being a collector. Usefulness never matters to me.

In all honesty though I have my own reservations on products. Singles all day for me unless there's some crazy sales.
This will be a nice sparklifier for decks. Pretty excited for the shinies though.
Maybe It wasn't. Mew from UNB ability name is Bench Barrier. Mew from that image looks like 1-word thingy.

That's easily explained if the text is from a non-English language; besides that (and the fact of them being out of focus) both card's text look pretty much the same than the UNB versions.
while i like Glaceon... I have a Glaceon GX tin and 5 other eeveelution tins sitting right next to me in my window sill, accompanied by their respective figures (lovely, a trip to Japan :D). Now... I'm not going to say I dont want another Glaceon GX tin, that would be a lie, but... I still need an Eevee, Espeon and Umbreon GX tin to make sure their figures aren't lonely, you know.

For anyone curious, here's a terrible pic to feast your eyes on XD - https://imgur.com/a/e8mBG4b
Pulling an Alternate art never felt better. Yay :)

At least the Cynthia will lower the price of the other full art Cynthia.
Hella Amazing the stained-glass bird promo is the full-art we're getting. Guaranteed to sell ETBs, hell I'm gonna buy one even though I'm pretty bummed it's mostly "A" alt-arts. It was expected, it just means it'll mostly be a collector set.
I'm trying to make the setlist. Glaceon GX can't be cut as there wouldn't be enough space between Lucario and Zard
This is why I only stick to PokeBeach for my news coverage.

Originally people said we weren't getting GX Ultra Shiny in America. WPM kept saying this would be our set for it. People kept asking how the shiny Pokemon would be handled, WPM kept saying they would have to be alternate art cards or a subset (or both as it turns out). You guys also said the Team Rocket cards would be in this set.

Basically you guys were spot-on with almost everything. All while never making clickbaity YouTube videos.

Now I need to get my hands on the Elite Trainer Box for that sweet, sweet promo.