Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

They will likely be in the Rocket set for the English release. We're not getting these decks in English.
See, I think our rocket set will thematically include red and misty. Not sure where Steven and marnie would fit there. But then again, who knows, TPC makes the oddest calls.
Oh my gosh, my beloved Steven is finally here!

I liked these cards - while I’d prefer Metagross hitting for 220, 200 is still pretty solid.

I imagine you'll pair Metal Pokémon with Steven, so wouldn’t Full Metal Lab be the better stadium? We’ll see what other Pokémon get revealed, though - I can’t wait!

Honestly, I was worried Steven might end up being underwhelming and just sit in my binder forever. But this actually looks like it could be a decent deck! Maybe not meta defining like Hop might be, but still, I’m definitely planning to play it.
We've got the tank. But where's the heal? Where's Max Potion?
Althoooooough... once you've effectively achieved a maximum HP of 400 (Or 460 when you realize this thing needs to get 2HKOed), I think you can afford the luxury of relying on a Supporter card to "heal."
Oh man if only Cheryl was still legal... That card was 2 regulations too soon.
Energy Recycler reprint is goated. Any questions on if Marnie would have other good pokemon to accelerate that energy to... I mean damn Morpeko is about as good as we could ask for. It's also interesting to see Metagross be a bit more universal in how it can be used. It can't be used with Metal Maker Metang, but there's plenty of psychic and metal proverbial fish in the sea you can use with it.
See, I think our rocket set will thematically include red and misty. Not sure where Steven and marnie would fit there. But then again, who knows, TPC makes the oddest calls.
Dunno about Red, but Ethan was teased last year at the worlds reveal. Could see him popping up in that set.
They will likely be in the Rocket set for the English release. We're not getting these decks in English.
IMO, theres more chance we get them in our journey together at this point i feel, itd be weird of them to have shown off the english marnies grimmsnarl in the worlds trailer alongside all the other journey together cards if they werent gonna include it at least adjacent to the set - especially if its the ONLY one shown that wont be
We've got the tank. But where's the heal? Where's Max Potion?
Althoooooough... once you've effectively achieved a maximum HP of 400 (Or 460 when you realize this thing needs to get 2HKOed), I think you can afford the luxury of relying on a Supporter card to "heal."
Oricorio and Indeedee cards could make a great addition to a deck and paired with cook, potion, and perhaps leftovers
Both of these decks having their own built in acceleration is nice and all, but unless we saw more cards for these themes I'd trust Metagross over Grimmsnarl/Morpeko.

Yes, Morpeko can reach KOs with 1 Grimmsnarl buff, but you got to commit 1 whole Grimmsnarl evolve to the Morpeko every time you want to do that, which is taxing with how tiny Morpeko is. It isn't like Gardevoir where you'll often keep Gardy in play for several turns and get value from it every turn. Grimmsnarl's attack for itself is still underwhelming, and it doesn't have a niche like Metagross has in tanking damage. Having Spikemuth for consistency is a great feat, and I can only hope that Marnie will have a wider toolbox down the road that Grimmsnarl can better take advantage of.

Metagross is straightforward, and likely will get compared as a Steel Tank against Archaludon ex. Metagross tanks bigger hits, sometimes more hits, and is less conditional on energy for setup; whereas Archa hits better damage benchmarks and is a stage 1 rather than a stage 2. The different basics also have their advantages. I don't think this would be as much of a competition if Metagross did any more damage in its attack, as even 210 changes what it can OHKO for ex's. Each of those is going to be more effective in different matchups, and Archa does lose some consistency to rotation. Worth discussing both metal decks down the road.

Energy Recycler coming back into the game is great, even if we do lose the strategy that took the most advantage of it to rotation.
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We've got the tank. But where's the heal? Where's Max Potion?
Althoooooough... once you've effectively achieved a maximum HP of 400 (Or 460 when you realize this thing needs to get 2HKOed), I think you can afford the luxury of relying on a Supporter card to "heal."
Whimsicott from TEF sinergizes well with Metagross's ability and tank potential
Enerrgy recycler might actually be huge for iono's decks tbh! With the kilowattrel engine you can attach all the energies you draw into and then use another kilowattrel
Superior Energy retrieval >
With e recycler you have to search all those energies from your deck, however sup. e. retrieval puts them back into your hand and bellibolt can attach them directly. although its not bad as a 1-2 of


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