Rotom from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

We had one, it just rotated. Actually, we still have a good one in standard, the Fan Call one that can find you your Noctowl line (Or your 151 Ditto, which you can promote to the active with Latias ex's help to basically let you grab any basic you want with Rotom). The two other best Rotom in the game's history are the one from Majestic Dawn (Great energy acceleration in the 2008 Worlds format) and the one from Undaunted (Useful in Durant Mill for fishing Durant out of your prizes).

If you're wondering when we'll ever get a deck featuring Rotom as the main Pokémon, however, so far we've had a few meme decks and nothing more. There's the Roto Motor box archetype from the Sun and Moon era (Which puts tools in the discard pile to let each Rotom attack for free), and there was the deck that used Rotom V's Scrap Short attack to put discarded tools in the lost zone to do more damage (Which ironically seems to have run just Rotom V and not the VSTAR or Porygon2 also designed for the deck).
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I'm not sure what the former deck's win rate was like, but the latter seemed to have a 35.06% online win rate in the Lost Origins format and had a particularly abysmal matchup against Mew VMAX (6.67%).
Woosh lmao

You should write articles on deck history though, legit an awesome recap :)
rotom v has been in so many decks for years at this point. and fan rotom, one of the strongest cards from the set it was in? are we just pretending they don’t exist so that we have something to be mad about?
Nobody is mad, was a joke lol I hope your username is a joke too lmao
Major Takeaways with Rotom

1. It takes 2 energy, in a format with no Double Turbo. That alone is expensive.
2. even if it's 2 energy, we don't have a good way to accel energy fast enough. Generator is not that efficient tho, since you're using it on a 60 HP that gets KOed next turn, and with the deck full of tools, expect to run like 6-8 energy.
3. 7 Tools to KO a 2-prized Support Pokemon that is widely played rn is ridiculous
Do y'all have any experience with buying cards while actually in Japan. For example, do sets remain available at retail (in the Pokemon Stores at least..) for a month or more, or do they disappear very quickly? Always been curious.. I only really know of Meccha Japan in terms of buying Japanese cards in Australia.. if anybody knows any other good sites to check for Japanese stuff I'd love to know..
Gadget Show looks goofy. Potential max ceiling of 270 damage
Max Belt and a 4-4 line of revavroom (2 single prize, 2 ex for draw engine and for tool spamming) plus treasure tracker and hopefully the item that searches for TM tools, and you can hit some numbers
Major Takeaways with Rotom

1. It takes 2 energy, in a format with no Double Turbo. That alone is expensive.
2. even if it's 2 energy, we don't have a good way to accel energy fast enough. Generator is not that efficient tho, since you're using it on a 60 HP that gets KOed next turn, and with the deck full of tools, expect to run like 6-8 energy.
3. 7 Tools to KO a 2-prized Support Pokemon that is widely played rn is ridiculous
there's max belt to hit hard. Its a + 80 damage. Also, if you are playing a single prize attacker, most of the time you will be losing on prizes so counter gain is very valuable.
Im not saying this will be top tier, but it has some alternatives
Max Belt and a 4-4 line of revavroom (2 single prize, 2 ex for draw engine and for tool spamming) plus treasure tracker and hopefully the item that searches for TM tools, and you can hit some numbers
You can't play both max belt and tracker though, the tracker is probably more valuable
You can't play both max belt and tracker though, the tracker is probably more valuable
avoid relying on tracker, since you are eliminating the possibility of Precious Trolley, since most decks run nowadays