“Shining Revelry” Set Revealed for “Pokemon TCG Pocket!”

So we're getting Shiny Beedrill in Pocket before the TCG. Well ain't that great 🙄 I love Beedrill, dang it
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They care about making Shiny Charizard into cards way more than literally any other Pokemon. Charizard is cool, sure, but there is no shiny set without him in it, and he needs a break. There are so many other Pokemon out there whose shiny forms have never seen the light of the TCG world.
Preach brother
The sad thing about this? There will be a Special Illustration Rare of Shiny Charizard. It will most likely have been one that I have been craving for in real life as well. The closest we got was one in SV, and it was a shitty Tera.
Oh yeah, this set has all the faves. Charizard, Lucario, and... Wugtrio?
People love shiny wugtrio. It's one of the most popular gen 9 shinies, which is saying a lot because gen 9 has a bunch of very beloved shinies. Having said that....why Wugtrio? Why not Cetitan? It's a tiny bit odd