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  • Looks like the Gundam franchise is copying Pokémon and dipping their toes into the TCG market!!
    Can't wait to see Rainbow Rare or SAR of Wing Zero Custom or Double X Gundam Lv.X or RX-78 with Ancient Trait!
    Palworld TCG next??
    If every YouTube and Super Bowl ads were like this, I would actually disable or uninstall Ad Block!
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    But then I had to deal with everyone else's ads, including the massive video ads that jump-scare you on this website if you don't have your computer muted.
    This guy is hilarious. There was one where a woman confessed to not shower often, and he puts a clothespins over his nose.
    • Haha
    Reactions: bbb888
    @Charmaster:) Under Settings, I think you can customize Ad Block so that it turns On or Off for certain sites. I've had no trouble using AB on YouTube; I only see ads when I log into their app.
    Is it true that, as you age and/or become successful, you will lose friends?? What do you think of this video?

    My philosophy is:
    You wanna be my friend? Sure
    You don't wanna be my friend? Sure
    It's not about the size of your circle of friends, but the loyalty and love within it.
    With or without you, I'm going to the top!
    Yeah, I keep in touch with very very few people from my school and childhood.
    Maybe some wealthy people don't show off because they don't want to attract the wrong attention from the wrong people.
    What does your uncle do?
    He is part of the fulfillment by amazon service, he owns two trucks to deliver products. He also owns stock but he doesn't talk about what stock he owns (nor do I really care because it's manipulated).
    Oh nice! I don't see nothing wrong with investing in stocks. But be careful of scams and don't buy into hype on social media! Instead, I advise people to do their own due diligence, research technical and fundamental analysis, and talk with financial advisor.
    My friend recently showed me Saturday Night Live just so I can practice Japanese. And hopefully be able to translate Pokémon cards too!
    Unfortunately some majors are a waste of money. I do agree that school rips you off by taking classes that are unnecessary. I did my Bachelor of Science in Biology with intent to go to medical school but I chickened out. Honestly I do not see why we two calculus courses and two organic chemistry courses.
    Parents can only teach what they know. Nobody knows everything, so learn what you can from everyone, even outside of school.
    Understanding how the real-world works is the key to success for Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, John D Rockefeller, etc. They either dropped out of college or never attended college. The world revolves our needs and wants. Entertainment is the easiest and safest way to get rich.
    I agree with bbb888 that there should be a course that focus on responsibility, rational thinking, learning about taxes/investments and how to get the most out of yourself. A course that teaches about the world, spotting and avoiding fraud (to avoid getting scammed), learn to be economical, and self-discipline (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!!!).
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    Starting with Prismatic Evolutions, would every English set from now onwards have 3 different reverse holo patterns??
    R.I.P master set collectors

    What's next? Bring back 1st edition? Shadow and shadowless? Palworld TCG when?
    I highly doubt they will bring back the 1st edition but if they do then that would add more value for collectors. I would like to see them bring that back, you never know. I was only able to purchase three fossil 1st edition boosters back in the days. All were non-holos :( (gengar, ditto and moltres).
    Moltres is awesome!!! And Gengar and Ditto were very playable back in the days!
    I feel bad for people who paid money to watch Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul. I watched it for free on YouTube the day after and I still feel like I got ripped off!
    0% customer satisfaction guaranteed
    Any Shark Tank fans here? No? Just me?
    I haven't seen that show for a long time. The problem is you need to know people in the world of business. The easiest way to become rich is to find a problem and create a solution. But there is an important factor: generate profit that is not at the expense of the wealthy class. Otherwise, no investors.
    For example, a cure for cancer will eliminate massive profits from private industries like pharmaceuticals and hospitals. Also, plenty of people who devote their life studying cancer will lose their job. It is asinine but think about the consequences of a cure. It is good for the majority of us but not for the wealthy and their employee. It does not surprise me private companies cherry pick their employee.
    I dunno... when there is cure for cancer, people who work in pharmaceuticals and hospitals and cancer research would simply move on to different jobs. It doesn't eliminate profits, rather the money just flows somewhere else.
    Kinda like how cashiers at Walmart don't lose their jobs to self-checkout machines, they just work other jobs, and Walmart doesn't suffer.
    How did people live before social media existed?? It blows my mind 🤯
    They went to arcade, movie theaters, bowling alley, or other places to hangout. In my opinion, its better but at the same time its good to save money. The benefit of social media to keep in touch with friends and families who are out of state/country. Everything has pros/cons, but it is very important not to overdo it.
    I totally agree! And welcome back, good to see you again! 😊
    The majority of the population worked hard in the fields until supper, spent some family quality time, and went to bed.
    Why are some people worried about market crashes??
    When Walmart has a sale on Pokémon cards, players, collectors, and scalpers go crazy and hoard everything.
    But when the stock market goes "on sale", people panic. Why is that?
    Fear. They fear that the market will not recover and it is better to sell right away to avoid further loss.
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    Ehh.. I don't think anyone became wealthy by panic selling but you are right.
    The covid lockdown actually forced me to open Pokémon packs AT HOME!!
    As opposed to opening them in the store one by one as you buy them?
    Yes, I have also opened packs in my car, at the library, outside in my friend's backyard, and other places.
    Music collabs we didn't know we needed:
    Jay-Z & Linkin Park - Numb/Encore
    Nelly & Tim McGraw - Over and Over
    Babymetal & Electric Callboy -
    I'm not familiar with any of these artists, but was the last song called "Top Percentage!"?
    The last song is the name of the Pokémon or something. If it was "Top Percentage", Youngster Joey would have to be featured on it Lol 😆
    You can check out all of these songs on YouTube.
    I had no idea McDonald's made a Japanese song!!! Can I say I'm lovin' it?
    Just overheard a kid say: "I have too many Pokémon cards! I literally throw them away, that's how much I have."
    OK kid, I get that you're too young to sell stuff online, but maybe your family can host a garage sale or you can trade with friends or someone can mow your lawn or shovel snow and you can pay them in Pokémon cards or you can donate them to me.
    No need to throw away your shiny Charizard GX bruh.
    I was just giving suggestions on different ways the kid could get rid of his excessive cards. I hope he sees this!
    Yes, some people stash bulk cards in boxes in a closet, but it's only a matter of time before they run out of space!
    Ah. Knowing the context definitely helps me understand the situation better. My guess is he will probably come back with an adult or try selling the cards somewhere else. And yes, the people who use bulk boxes will need to dedicate more and more space to storage as time passes.
    I really hope Nintendo Switch successor brings back 3D graphics and camera like the 3DS had. I truly miss them. Otherwise I don't see the point of having a successor.
    Of course my brain is smooth. Why would I want my brain to be wrinkled and old?? People use "smooth brain" like an insult but to me it's a compliment.
    OK, that's very informative, but I still want my brain muscle to be young and smooth like leather silk. I mean, you see how smooth and dope Psyduck is, right? Lol ?
    Real life Miraidon bike!!! :eek:🤯 Shut up and take my money cuz this is better than Tesla!!
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    I never knew this existed! I wonder if they are going to make Koraidon.
    Not sure if they have the funds to make Koraidon, but Japan typically gets cool stuff like this. I should move to Japan.
    Why not use a separate spare phone for Temu only?? No photos, no contact list, no email, no other apps, no data plan, just Wi-Fi and Temu app only. This way, Temu cannot spy on you as much.
    Shop like a SMART billionaire!

    (again, sorry this post is not about Pokémon, I will try to think... blah blah blah..)
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