9Tailz, why would you scrap Zebstrika/Garbodor? It's amazing! I lose hard to it ;-;
Thing with Terrakion EPO is you need 2 Prisms to pull that off, which makes you pretty Hammer weak - unless you start playing Blend WLFM or basic Fighting Energy, which I'd recommend the latter. ...I do like your idea and it's actually pretty interesting, but...I'm not sure how feasible it actually is. Why not use, say, Landorus EX instead of Terrakion EPO? It spreads about a bit more and you don't need to put as many resources into it.
heck just run Darkrai/Lando and be done with it *shot*
Also, I don't see anything wrong with the transparency...
Thing with Terrakion EPO is you need 2 Prisms to pull that off, which makes you pretty Hammer weak - unless you start playing Blend WLFM or basic Fighting Energy, which I'd recommend the latter. ...I do like your idea and it's actually pretty interesting, but...I'm not sure how feasible it actually is. Why not use, say, Landorus EX instead of Terrakion EPO? It spreads about a bit more and you don't need to put as many resources into it.
Also, I don't see anything wrong with the transparency...