Blah Jun 16, 2012 You are now playing against grantm1999 for the BW-on tournament. Please get your match done within the next few days.
You are now playing against grantm1999 for the BW-on tournament. Please get your match done within the next few days.
Aoki Jun 15, 2012 alexmf2, Tomorrow. Sorry for the late reply, we had to prepare for finals next week.
Infinity Jun 14, 2012 losing to Accelgor/Chandy/Vileplume/Mew. I'm just kidding, but lol, it is kind of frustrating.
Blah Jun 14, 2012 alexmf2, Not this instant, I have a quick Social Studies report to do. Then I'll be free.
G G Glace Jun 13, 2012 I tried. I was able to get some especially good people when everyone else ran out of money.
T T TheCharmanderTeen Jun 8, 2012 alexmf2, Here.