RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
for those of u that the image link doesnt work. Click on the day2 to see images
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
exactly what i said. very disappointing. i said as soon as something interesting popped up(fennekins last evo, only she could confirm it) Bam!!! "cought" out of no where. this will go for all future "leakers" too.
RE: Instagram Leaks (Spoilers!)
I knew this was going to happen. what did i say. hmmhmmm... AGH! soon as something interesting poped up i said bam "cought".
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
That fenneken final evolution better be FAKE!!! oh God pls be fake! (My dream went out the window. crying...)
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
BAM!!! she will get "COUGHT" as soon as something interesting will happen. just watch u guys. im prety sure this will happen...
RE: Kosthedin's Leaks (Spoilers!)
Well if none of these post the final evolution of the starters then we all can assume/be prety sure that they are organized leaks. all of them are not posting anything major. just stuff we basically knew already. except for confirming Espurr, the middle...
RE: Kosthedin's Leaks (Spoilers!)
i still see videos but it think some photos are missing ( now i see everything being deleted)
EDIT: Crap no more leaks =( ....this is what happens when u dont leak fast enough. just teasers is all it was...
EDIT2: he only confirmed Espurr and the facial hair...
RE: Kosthedin's Leaks (Spoilers!)
I'm kinda worried about future Pokemon world wide releases:why? because with this it has shown that some countries cant keep their word on the release dates. this is a big problem because for the first time ever in pokemon history it was to be FAIR by releasing...
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
i think this why we have the transfer and the pokemon box with 3000 slots. they put alot of pokemon in this game and they wont fit in the regular boxes we have so its like making us pay if we want to catch more
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
some1 said something about mega charizard x and they were right! it appears they have 2. who know, maybe the others do too
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)
NOW we have video and real proof. WE can really see now if the frokie and the other final evolutions are real!
and lol. all my posts keep being deleted >.> this is part of speculation yo...BIG BROTHER HERE...