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  • Well, I don't give my real name out evertywhere, but I do sign stuff like my hand-drawn sketches under both my real and pen-name (making it somewhat easy to figure it out).
    Hmm, I was mostly refering to cops or people who may like to report others for fraud rather than predators...
    Legal reasons. Being over 18, I can get in trouble for claiming to be something I'm not, namely as a con artist. Say if I went and claimed I was an English professor or a published writer online when I'm not, that could easily come back to haunt me somewhere down the line. That's why I make it clear that I'm just a hobbist who really knows a lot about writing.
    Basically, it means I could get in trouble if I claim to be something I'm not.
    Technically speaking, I'm just a hobbyist who's well practiced in writing. If I call myself anything else, it may raise some red flags with people.
    Okay. I'm busy right now readying updates, so I may not be able to look at it until later anyhow. Thanks again!
    *Nigel hands DG a cup of chocolate pudding, a cup of butterscotch pudding, and a spoon*
    Dark Giratina, Im eating chocolate pudding right now. I like chocolate pudding. I also like butterscotch pudding.
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