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  • Because it's 2 in the morning, that's when good decision making goes down and I get board (and play on words) d:
    <3 my avvy, oh, and CSJ is causing us drama :/ oh, and are you Sharpedo on the clan forums? :p
    Dang, my avvy trend is still going xD DNA, Spammy, and PokeMedic have theirs as well, haa, we are the 4 Amigos!
    *Fwan redraws himself and then messes up DG's avatar some more, making it look an abstract work of art.* :p

    Just playing with you.
    *Fwan uses Smear, messing up DG's nice avatar photo.*
    I understand that. Personally, I'd rather be home than travel a lot. I usually don't like to unless I have to go somewhere for work.
    There are plenty of bears around my area, so that's a huge concern for my family. We try to keep all of our food stuffs inside the RV's fridge so they don't attract wild animals like them. Our coolers are mostly for alcoholic beverages (I'm not a heavy drinker, mind you. My sister and mom just keep it for themselves). I haven't slept in a tent since I was like five or six, nor do I ever plan to again. My family used to have a pop-up trailer until we "upgraded" to a used 1976 Southwind RV back in 1998. Since then we've basically customized it to the best of our funds. We've redone most of the curtains, replaced all of the ceiling panels, and changed out the air conditioner and refridgerator.
    True, but I do it anyways...

    I've actually be kind of cranky about it lately because it seems like, no matter what I do to try and straighten out our campsite, it's never set up right. Usually my dad and I do all the camp chores, but I always run into some problems with them (namely, small injuries). The other day I twisted my ankle in a hole and then rammed the upper part of my leg into a picnic table the two of us were moving as a result. I got a really nasty bruise because of it.
    It's a combination of both my accent and goods looks. I have no doubt that half of this forum's members are wrought with uncontrolable jealousy.
    Actually, I'll be inactive most of this coming month. I'm not going to be gone entirely, but my family suddenly decided they wanted to make up for the time we missed out at camp this summer.
    Dark Giratina, Sorry building this house:

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