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  • I'm not sure why, but I've gotten a sudden burst of inspiration on Biohazard. I can't say for sure, but with any luck, I may have Chapter Five up by the end of this week. That is, unless you wanted me to wait until you have time to write up a critique?
    I'm afraid it's best I discontinue it, given the long hiatus I threw it. My apologies.
    I did a double take when I realized your avatar and Apollo's avatar are made by the same person.
    That's fine. It's not like I have a lot of Internet opportunities right now anyways. I just want input, and that chapter's probably the thing that's in dire need of a critique/proofread anyways since it's basically written from scratch.
    When you get time, can you review my Biohazard fic finally? I'm a little ticked by the lack of responses and could use some serious input for a change, which I know you're capable of giving. Thanks in advance, bud!
    Thanks. I really did want keep my position longer, but things have just become too hectic for me to possibly continue.
    I love this new Open Office program, it recovers things when they crash... I'll PM you when I'm done.
    Articuno, I was... then my computer froze, I was about 3000 words from being done with revamping the shadows.

    Fine, if only to erase any doubts that I am actually writing an Pokemon fanfic which is going to be posted on here. I'll PM it to you.
    Yeah. Why else do you think I've been asking a lot of people to be involved in my fanfic? Plus, I PM'd you something about it months ago. :p

    It's called googles: The Legend of Lost Bells. The reason I've refrained from posting it for so long was because I'm still editing and adding chapters to it. I don't want to put this off like I have with my other fics.
    Yeah, it's not really right. I don't know why some schools make you go, even during the holidays. Some people dislike going to school because it's nearly always negative for them. I know I wouldn't like it, because then I'd be going with the thoughts Why am I here? This isn't right... in my head, constantly bothering me. I feel seriously sorry for you. That's just not right. At least you can see your friends during the holidays, whereas I stay at home.

    As of me? I'm doing good, except that I'm really bored. I don't know what to do with all this extra time on my hands.
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