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  • Dark Giratina, ok fine... It's the ocean... Just flat dark blue... that describes it perfectly :D
    Dark Giratina, I mistyped... Are you just stalling on the awnser... It's super easy... Look at pklolaboy's occupation dat should give it away.
    Dark Giratina, No, I mean forests are hard to describe...

    refer to [member]pkolaboy[/member]'s profile...
    Dark Giratina, lol actually it's been just under my nose this whole time.. I need to write something relaxing at first, a lot slower, and has much more description, that's not hard to describe. What scenery isn't hard to describe? Well, I know that forests aren't (because I read the first chapter of hatchet, my fav book) and the lost woods dubstep showed me that. So you awnser the question... What scenery isn't hard to describe?
    That's what they love... They aboslutely hate dubstep (they told me)

    So I blast it high, and blow my eardrums too :D

    I think I cured my writers block :DDDDDDDD
    Dark Giratina, It'll blast the neighbors ears... It's heavy dubstep :D

    They deserve it, they play loud metal ALL night long...
    Dark Giratina, lol, actually I'm following your advice... and blaming my mama :p

    I might just blast music, and think things through, as that's how I roll especially in apartments :p
    Dark Giratina, I've been reading during this whole time..

    Yeah, I've tooken a break, but I am gonna just discard that fic, I don't see it progressing anymore :/
    Dark Giratina, Yes, I have a whole folder full of stuff for this, but i just can't write :/ Huh...
    Dark Giratina, No, it's complete writers block, I have the time, I'm not making excuses, I just can't even imagine what's gonna happen next. If I didn't draw my characters I wouldn't even imagine what they look like.
    Dark Giratina, Since the Finals from school :/ It's terrible... I'm trying to get rid of it, but I just can't :/
    Dark Giratina, Take a super long break. I mean like don't think of Pokemon or PB for like 2 Months, or a whole TCG season. Then come back ready for action. That's what I did during Luxchomps reign.
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