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  • When I press a button, I will remove a wall from your house and bring you the cake.
    Because that's the only way I can get the cake into your house.
    I'm doing an RMT rate at the moment, I'll get back to you once I'm finished.
    Eh, I just try to write about why we became friends, nothing special or too sappy, haha.
    Naturally! It's common procedure for me to write a bit about each buddy, although there are a few that are still missing bio entries. I need to get on that.
    Rubix Cubes? It's been a while since I've even seen one of those. I think I may have been able to complete one, but I don't remember for sure. It probably took me a good while, haha.
    I actually checked out her thread right after I saw your banner. Very impressive stuff.
    Lol oh no I don't, but I see people do it often so I'm like...whoa. Haha. Yes I love tennis and this job...haha it's just ok.
    Dude. Nice banner.

    Anywho, just stopped by to let you know that I should be online for most of tomorrow, so just hit me up if you'd like a practice battle. And keep those questions coming!

    [size=xx-small]also, I added you to my buddy list =3[/size]
    Okay, I don't watch a lot of online videos myself.
    On TV or online? Most stations in my area don't show a lot of anime anymore aside from Cartoon Network, Nicktoons, The Hub, and (on Saturday mornings) the CW. I used to love One Piece, but when Toonami went off, I could watch it anymore. Toonami actually came back recently, but it's on too late now and it doesn't air One Piece episodes.
    Sorry about that. No, I don't have a cabin, but I am out camping (my phone's signal is kind of weak, so it made a double post). I just got back from walking a nature trail. Oh, so HM made your avvy? Cool. I like her work. Also, ah, I didn't know One Piece was still on. I used to watch it religiously until Toonami went off the air on Cartoon Network. :O
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