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  • Dark Giratina, Not really separate layers, but just different files that are eventually combined. It probably could be done with layers, but the way I make digital art I rarely work with layers.
    Dark Giratina, I don't have time ATM building a team, then updating my profile, and then going to work on my Fic...

    (I've got the next 4 days planned out)
    They probably correlated the equations from the game by deriving them from the change of the Pokemon's stats throughout. Or it was given to them by Nintendo directly, I'm not sure.
    Dark Giratina, When you have to work for a living....

    I wanna be in the Navy as a Pilot, or as a deck hand or a weapons officer

    Or a Marine, or a Navy Seal.
    Dark Giratina, lol.. She thinks I'm gonna kill myself one day by doing something stupid (which I probably will)...

    New topic:

    What do you want to be when you get older.
    Dark Giratina, Actually my mama was screaming at me and told me I can't swim, when clearly I was swimming just fine.
    Dark Giratina, Dude... There's this place where Iive called Jensen Pond... It has a bridge, thats about 10 feet off the water. The water below it, goes down to about 50 or so feet... It's got weeds growing so thick that you can't see... I JUMP INTO IT :DDDDDDD
    Dark Giratina, Dude... Last time I bungee jumped, I flew up higher than I went down :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    150 feet down 250 feet up :D
    Dark Giratina, Not that bad... Where do you live, and is southwest there?? If so i can get you free passes :D
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