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  • I can't remember the name of that show, but your icon is awesome. I had a toy of that guy a long time ago I honestly hardly remember it but I know I had the toy. I wanna say it was IZOD, but thats some clothes company XD>
    No. Don't even worry about it yet.

    I have other projects that need to be attended to, so I haven't been expecting critiques for a while. Just know that I don't want anybody posting in FT until the new thread goes live, so I'm about to lock it.
    Well in a nutshell. Italy was unified in 1870 under Liberal government. After many failed attempts to please the Nationalists (losing the battle of Adowa, disputes with Austra and the Libya incidents) and the Socialists (Liberals kept trying to please the Nationalists) they signed a treaty with Britain, France and Russia in the first World War that promised them some land. This was a betrayal against Germany and Austria.

    In the Paris peace conference, after the war, they were given the land but not the one they wanted: Fiume. This angered the Nationalists (Particularly Mussolini and D'annunzio) and D'annunzio led a march on Fiume. Mussolini copied his way of leadership and violence to lead the march on Rome. Thus, Fascism is born.

    I just typed that didn't I?
    Eh, the maths thing was ages ago and it's only 2 years of studying in my favorite times of the year. It's not that big of a deal ;]

    (1st world war Italian politics is surprisingly interesting. Who knew?)
    Well, I'm currently working on separating my Fakedex from FT. They'll both be in separate threads with the old one being locked. I intend to have the story reposted in full today up to the current chapter with some light revisions done to it. The Fakedex is going to be reposted at a later date with full revisions to the dex and region info. I mostly wanted to redo things since the current thread has gotten sloppy over the past two years since I posted it.
    I see, hope it wasn't anything serious.

    Eck, exams. I remember a maths teacher who wanted to give us exams every week. Thankfully she was sacked after 2 weeks.
    I have my A-level mocks in January. Film, English and History. Gotta study through my Christmas break :[
    Fine, though yesterday could have been better. My idiot boss got our schedule messed up and my dad and I almost missed a job. On the bright side, I should have one of two revised projects up today.
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