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  • Sure, why not? I have plenty of time, and besides, I'm really bored. :p

    It might have to wait until tomorrow, though. I'm tired.
    It would have been $100 if we weren't behind.
    $900, though I only got $50 out of it. The rest went to bills.
    Dark-Giratina, I'm going to assume you mean your time zone (which is about 2pm for me), but either way I should be online.
    Yes, I will be available at that time (I SHOULD be, at least).
    Dark-Giratina, that's correct. It's not something that's really fit for the public ear, so I'll have to send you a forum PM or chat query to tell you. That okay?
    That's great to hear. (Sorry about the late reply, I was doing my homework.) I'll try to remember to check out your new art. Do try painting and pottery!

    If you want to continue the discussion, well...what do you want to talk about?
    Dark-Giratina, I have no idea. I'd been bugging the super mods on and off about it for a few months, and it was only to change my name back to what it was before.

    I dunno. I think everyone got sick of my name.
    Heh, you must be confused. It's still Thursday over here. :p

    On a side note, how has your art skills been doing? Well, I hope. ^_^
    Dark-Giratina, oh, I see. *giggle*

    Be sure to check out the Community Update later today. You might see something on there. ;)
    No. Me, silly! Sorry if that last message seemed spammy, but I'm so happy that I got one, since I normally miss out on the Gamestop events.
    Guess who got his 'My Little Pony' (i.e Keldeo) at Gamestop today?
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