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    That's no fun at all. How long until it heals up, do you know?
    ...Good or bad? Or is it something you even feel like sharing? (If need be, PM me)
    You change your avatar more often than I do!
    ...also what was I supposed to be doing for ShadowLugia again?
    Ah well. There are some other good programs to use; I'll chat with DNA and Jay and see if I can get something set up.
    You could use Mibbit or whatever, but it takes a while to set up, and I'm no expert on chat programs.
    Alright, I'll be on PB's server in a sec. Are you able to use the PokeBeach IRC chatroom? You'd definitely enjoy it.
    I suck at Ubers, and I don't think I have any Uber teams at the ready, so I'm no help there, haha. I can help you with the team, or just chat, if you want.
    Not crazy busy at the moment, so I can get on PO or IRC to chat, if you want. And don't worry about disturbing me, I always have time to talk, even with college coming up.
    I very much like Phil Collins. There were a lot of different genres progressing during the 80's, so it's hard to pick out any favorites of mine. If I run across something too good, though, I'll be sure to let you know. ;]
    Dark Giratina, Dat's what everyone has been telling me :)

    I do hate Mew, and Alakazam though... Like really a lot, but I also <3 Alakazam a lot :(
    That's a wide array of music, my good man. Any bands/singers in particular that you're wondering about?
    Dark Giratina, Yep, I'm actually in a good mood, just came out of surgery and everything is as planned. Before that, I couldn't even get up. XP

    yays i won the surgry
    Dark Giratina, Just the writing in general :)

    Oh, and I'm uber mad, because my computer shut down, and I lost my fic... Twas near chapter 10 :/
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