D D DNA Aug 8, 2012 Yeah, but most of them are in later time zones than us. Also, you would sleep in until 12? Why would anyone even do that?
Yeah, but most of them are in later time zones than us. Also, you would sleep in until 12? Why would anyone even do that?
D D DNA Aug 7, 2012 How late? Depends on the day of the week. Monday and Wednesday I go to bed rather early (9ish), Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday I stay up later (11 or more), and Friday/Saturday I log off PB in the afternoon so it's a moot point.
How late? Depends on the day of the week. Monday and Wednesday I go to bed rather early (9ish), Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday I stay up later (11 or more), and Friday/Saturday I log off PB in the afternoon so it's a moot point.
D D DNA Aug 7, 2012 A whole 20? ...I think most of that ended up being just from our conversations alone, but that's pretty cool.
A whole 20? ...I think most of that ended up being just from our conversations alone, but that's pretty cool.
D D DNA Aug 7, 2012 Small talk is something you perform, not something you accomplish. Did you do anything note-worthy today?
Small talk is something you perform, not something you accomplish. Did you do anything note-worthy today?
D D DNA Aug 6, 2012 OH I GOT IT hanging out with your significant other ...but wait, I think you're a bit too young for that...
OH I GOT IT hanging out with your significant other ...but wait, I think you're a bit too young for that...