Recent content by Ardi-Yarne

  1. Ardi-Yarne

    Games Fire Emblem

    Let's all be honest, that new Dancer chick is simply Inigo in a wig. And one of the guys near the end of the trailer looked a bit like Prium. Are Ike clones/descendants/ancestors a staple to the series like Marth clones? Anyway, I'm rather hyped for it. Awakening was, sadly, the first (and...
  2. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    I just went through and cleared my friend's list, so I may have accidentally removed anyone I added from here, if you'd like to re-add me. In other news, I'm beginning to realize how much fun Gnar is, and just how powerful he really can be. His Rage meter used to infuriate (or en-RAGE for pun?)...
  3. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    As a Quinn main, I am offended that you would even compare her blind to Teemo's, considering it is one of the buggiest skills in the game. Half the time it doesn't even blind properly.
  4. Ardi-Yarne

    Official Digimon Thread

    Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes! I was (still am) a huuuuge Digimon fan. I was browsing this thread earlier at work and saw the trailer, and got so excited. I can't wait. It pulled at so many heart-strings, and I feel like I'm going to have to marathon through Zero-One to Tamers while they're on...
  5. Ardi-Yarne

    Worlds 2014

    I assume that's how it will be, but their wording and lack of complete details like that can be misleading. I figure it's worth a shot to ask, but I'm not getting my hopes up, haha. Thanks for the quick response though.
  6. Ardi-Yarne

    Worlds 2014

    I'm rather curious about something regarding the LCQ, if anyone might be able to answer. I stopped playing right before they brought in the Play! Points system and just got back into it a few weeks ago. I see that in order to pre-register for the LCQ, you need a minimum of 10 Play! Points. I...
  7. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    While that may be true, and keeping in mind that having CC does not make you a good support, a good ADC will be able to keep up with a bad support. Just like a good support will be able to do most of the work for a bad ADC. I main ADC, and I do support from time to time. I've been on both sides...
  8. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Truthfully, a good ADC main can keep their lane ahead or even whether or not the support is good.
  9. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    The entire Ranked Placement thing irked me this year. Last year I went 7-3 and placed Silver 1. Ended up on tilt and just kept going until I plummeted to Silver 3 (failed my Gold promos and kept getting trolls...). This year, I went 8-2 and placed Silver 4. Yet my friend went 6-4 and got Silver...
  10. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Nah, I think it has to do with if you've been reported or how many games you've played. I don't know. In other news, I was playing Quinn and was getting quite fed by my ever so intelligent enemies (They got baited under tower by me when I was low HP and fed me double kill after double kill)...
  11. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Gaaah, lucky. But in all seriousness, congrats. I have like, 300 of the honors and have yet to receive the banner.
  12. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Warwick has become my main jungler. In ranked this season, I've done 7 games so far (practiced a LOT in normals, but there will be more ranked with him). 5 wins, 2 losses. Averaging a 12-2-14 KDA. I build him a little strange, mostly to maximize his abilities as a drain tank rather than a full...
  13. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Agggh, I decided to duo ranked with my brother, since we usually do quite well. We didn't do too terribly. We lost the first match, but the second and third we won. The fourth started off incredibly rocky, me as Warwick, my brother as Sona. After a bit of farming and us veto-ing the surrender...
  14. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Season 5 will start sometime in October, IIRC.
  15. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    According to the designer behind the Dragon Slayer skins, they're more dragon themed than "We're going to hunt dragons". But I loooove the Pantheon skin. I will get that skin, and I will forever play Panth. Haha.