I have seen some Ryze builds, and I would have to say that I think that would be horribly inefficient on Kassadin, considering that he has basically zero mana scaling. 4000 mana gives him 80 more damage on his ult. No thanks. I build him with some mana, but the best item for him (imo) is Lich Bane. It is one of the easiest things in the world to just jump on the enemy adc or apc, get off your lich proc from ulty, and then kill them with your w. If they are still alive after that, e and q both do similar damage and proc Lich Bane. Other than that, the build is RoA, Seraphs Embrace, Rabadon's, Zhonya's, and and Sorc boots. I'm interesting in seeing your tanky build that still deals damage, because I wouldn't think it would be possibly, and he doesn't need the tankiness to jump in, kill someone, and jump out.