League of Legends

Eron said:
Is Fiora worth the IP? I want to buy a new champ, a very good one.

If not, what is also a beast? I like Voli, or Yasuo.

Fiora's great. Kinda hard to play but very rewarding. Take her midlane.
You don't think she's hard to play? She has no escapes and she's extremely feast or famine. If you don't get early kills, you're awful lategame. She plays kinda like Talon.
alex said:
You don't think she's hard to play? She has no escapes and she's extremely feast or famine. If you don't get early kills, you're awful lategame. She plays kinda like Talon.

Some other cons:

Lack of tankiness
Expose to CC
You'll get BM'd by your teammates if you don't do AWESOME (sometimes even when you are doing awesome honestly ... )
Eron said:
alex said:
You don't think she's hard to play? She has no escapes and she's extremely feast or famine. If you don't get early kills, you're awful lategame. She plays kinda like Talon.

Some other cons:

Lack of tankiness
Expose to CC
You'll get BM'd by your teammates if you don't do AWESOME (sometimes even when you are doing awesome honestly ... )

Heh... Yepp, I'm even guilty of this
Just wanna throw this out there, but you probably shouldn't take her mid lane, she has a much better chance of being killed and falling behind there. Top lane is a much safer choice, and she still has a chance at killing lots of top laners before they get many items.
So... 2 games with Fiora.

1st Game was awesome, I was against a Yasuo at top. I used my Q, then W then Q and then E. He fed me, no too much but he did, I pushed, I destroyed turrets faster with my E. I used my Q to chase people, if there were many, I used my ult to hit them, if they tried to escape, I rushed with my Q. Fiora is good, but the bad thing is that she doesn't have how to escape, and this is bad against champs like WW, Fiddle, Malzahar, Hecarim. Well, champs that can stun you much time and make their teammates to gank you. 2nd was bad... so...

tl;dr Fiora is OP.
Eron said:
alex said:
You don't think she's hard to play? She has no escapes and she's extremely feast or famine. If you don't get early kills, you're awful lategame. She plays kinda like Talon.

Some other cons:

Lack of tankiness
Expose to CC
You'll get BM'd by your teammates if you don't do AWESOME (sometimes even when you are doing awesome honestly ... )
This is cause she's really easy.
All you really have to do is right click and occassionally press QWER. She's regarded as the worst champion in the league because you can literally do what I just said and succeed, which isn't healthy for any champion.

She's not tanky cause she's a glass cannon melee fighter.
Everyone's exposed to CC if their name is not Olaf.
This is cause you've basically created a 4v5 for your team cause she can't do anything when she isn't fed.

I'm going to tell you a story of a boy named Albert.
Albert was a friend of mine, he mained top and mid lane. He loved doing damage and thought tanks were for noobs, but he couldn't do anything in lane without getting frequent ganks by his jungler. So he would whine whine whine until his jungler had to smack an spoon pout of a baby's mouth in order to force-feed him all the kills in the rift.. As soon as he saw fiora, it was love at first sight, and he played her nonstop. In the spooky skype call of spookiness, you could only hear fierce banging and clacking, accompanied by the laughter of a madman. This is when he decided to main fiora. After multiple games in normals with his low mmr, he began playng ranked. Win after win, he thought he was good at the game. "Fiora is the highest skillcap champion" he said, "Look at my fiora mechanics he said, as he q'ed, then q'ed again quick succession. But alas, the story culd not have come to a happy ending. One day, in the promotional series for a boy named Nolan, He played fiora, instalocking as soon as he saw her black hair with red highlights below his username. As the game passed by, he struggled in lane. "The Jax poke is op" he said, "I need ganks now omg stop farming" he said, but alas the shyvana player was too intelligent for that, as he went to bot lane and got a triple kill. Death after death, the fiora was too frail for the mighty jax had beaten him down. The enemy team however, was aware of this weakness. One by one, their KDA's rose to the double digits, and little albert was frozen in fear. He lost as fiora, what can this mean. But as the twisted gears in his mind started to churn, he became delusional. "It cant be", he said, "noob team" he said. He took his delusions and spread them throughout many accounts. Day after day, hundreds after hundreds of ELO lost, the group of friends decided to take a stand. They would block albert untill he would stop playing this cursed champion.

They haven't unblocked him since.

Moral of the story: Fiora is an easy champion.
MtheW said:
Just wanna throw this out there, but you probably shouldn't take her mid lane, she has a much better chance of being killed and falling behind there. Top lane is a much safer choice, and she still has a chance at killing lots of top laners before they get many items.

Top lane she gets extremely zoned, has much less kill potential and can't cs at all. Mid lane is all squishies who get bursted down by her immediately and allows her to farm all she wants.

The Fire Wyrm said:
This is cause she's really easy.
All you really have to do is right click and occassionally press QWER. She's regarded as the worst champion in the league because you can literally do what I just said and succeed, which isn't healthy for any champion.

She's not tanky cause she's a glass cannon melee fighter.
Everyone's exposed to CC if their name is not Olaf.
This is cause you've basically created a 4v5 for your team cause she can't do anything when she isn't fed.

This isn't true at all. Fiora is an assassin with 0 escape, which is why you have to be great with positioning and know when to go in. And if she gets CC'd before she can ult, you instantly die. Of course, if you are facing stupid opponents, none of this matters, which is why you could call her easy if you were against such opponents.

You are right in that if she doesn't get kills she sucks. Like I said, she is very feast or famine. That is why it is important to take her mid, because she has much higher kill potential and the ability to roam.
I completely agree with Alex that she's stronger in the midlane then top lane. She can't kill the tanks (Shyvana, Mundo, and Renekton) to get fed while she can't outduel Jax, who literally counters Fiora's ult with his E, but she tends to do better against the other top lane carry: Irelia. So she's very situational. Midlane gives her a short lane to farm safely and the ability to roam after 6. So basically, pick Fiora as a counter like a Teemo. Not as a first pick as you might with Renekton or Jax.

MtheW said:
Just wanna throw this out there, but you probably shouldn't take her mid lane, she has a much better chance of being killed and falling behind there. Top lane is a much safer choice, and she still has a chance at killing lots of top laners before they get many items.

Top lane is very snowball heavy. Generally the jungler doesn't want to gank top because it relieves pressure off of bot lane and you can lose dragon control very quickly. Top lane is long so harder to escape from and very easy to freeze and zone the opposing top laner from cs. If you die in lane to the opposing top laner, you probably just lost lane badly and have to be incredibly safe.
I completely disagree, I've never seen a Fiora mid and I doubt she could do well there at all. Seeing as her damage output is so high, the only two top laners I could see her having trouble with are Renekton and Jax, and maybe Shyvana. I would still say that she can farm pretty safely around those 3, except for maybe Renekton, as in the early levels she should be able to outduel Jax and be able to escape from Shyv. In the mid lane you see a lot of ranged opponents, ones with nukey abilities that are also ranged, or champions with great poke or crowd control. Top lane not so much. Maybe our experiences have been drastically different, but I don't think the mid lane Fiora is viable at all in comparison with top lane. It also doesn't seem like you took my points into account, I said that Fiora would win early before they got many items, and basically be able to safely transition into the mid-late game. This is much less likely in the bursty, fast-paced mid lane.

Edit: Also, I would have to agree, her PLAYSTYLE is easy, but it is not necessarily easy to do well with her. It's still difficult to position and such, and I could see it being difficult to do well with her in higher elo's, but she really is just qwer. You either have good position, you kill someone (or multiple someones) and escape because of that, or you had bad positioning and you get cc'd and die, or just dive into a bad fight and die. Another champion I can think of that has a playstyle like that is Akali, who is also very easy. She jumps in and tries to kill people, and if that doesn't work she dies. Feast or famine does not mean that they are difficult champions to play, just that they are difficult to do well with against skilled opponents, which is where I think the disagreement and confusion is coming from.
Fiora is actually a very powerful champion. Although I can see her mid, I still believe top is her best shot. While she's not very easy (high cooldowns, difficult spell usage, suffers from CC), there's literally nothing that can beat her at top. Shyvana can take her, yes, but she can't kill Fiora unless she plays a more offensive set, in which case Fiora also has many chances. Jax isn't a problem as long as his Dodge is on CD. Renekton is a different story, as he's virtually impossible to counter early game, but Fiora can still make it, without gaining an advantage though.
In mid, I could see her against certain champions, but not many. She lacks any form of CC unlike other melee mid-laners, and any form of slow or stun (common with casters) will stop the effectiveness of her E. Pit her against Ahri, LeBlanc, Morgana, Akali, even Lux... She can't do much. Of course, she can hold her ground against other melee mid, like Kassadin or Kha, but against most ranged AP characters she doesn't stand a chance.
To sum it, as Pride said, don't pick Fiora as a main. Pick her as a counter, unless you're very confident (which, in lower rankings, actually can be true). If you play in higher ladders, make sure you master her.
Chaos Jackal said:
Fiora is actually a very powerful champion. Although I can see her mid, I still believe top is her best shot. While she's not very easy (high cooldowns, difficult spell usage, suffers from CC), there's literally nothing that can beat her at top. Shyvana can take her, yes, but she can't kill Fiora unless she plays a more offensive set, in which case Fiora also has many chances. Jax isn't a problem as long as his Dodge is on CD. Renekton is a different story, as he's virtually impossible to counter early game, but Fiora can still make it, without gaining an advantage though.
In mid, I could see her against certain champions, but not many. She lacks any form of CC unlike other melee mid-laners, and any form of slow or stun (common with casters) will stop the effectiveness of her E. Pit her against Ahri, LeBlanc, Morgana, Akali, even Lux... She can't do much. Of course, she can hold her ground against other melee mid, like Kassadin or Kha, but against most ranged AP characters she doesn't stand a chance.
To sum it, as Pride said, don't pick Fiora as a main. Pick her as a counter, unless you're very confident (which, in lower rankings, actually can be true). If you play in higher ladders, make sure you master her.

Speaking from 43 Ranked Fiora games this season, all I can really say any more is for you to just trust me. Morgana, Lux, and Ahri are probably her easiest matchups. Akali is skill based, and Leblanc is only a bad matchup because Leblanc is broken. Jax vs. Fiora, however, is probably one of the hardest counters in the entire game. Even if Jax is top/jungle and you are mid/top, you can't pick Fiora.
Ardi-Yarne said:
Eron said:

I am happy because I got this!

Gaaah, lucky. But in all seriousness, congrats. I have like, 300 of the honors and have yet to receive the banner.

I went grinding for about a month, and I got a crest. Made me happy since it was some kind of yield for my practicing.
I'm just not friendly enough. League makes me mad. You definitely wont get the banners if you play a lot of solo-queue. :(

But did anybody watch the All-Stars event? C9 looked pretty strong in a international scene.
Rally said:
I'm just not friendly enough. League makes me mad. You definitely wont get the banners if you play a lot of solo-queue. :(

But did anybody watch the All-Stars event? C9 looked pretty strong in a international scene.

They did alright. I would've liked to see them with Hai though. It would've gone so much better for them if he wasn't in the hospital...
Yeah, makes me wonder if they could have put up more of a fight against SKT and also beaten OMG the second time. Oh well :/
