League of Legends

Does your placement really matter when you can just climb the ranks anyway? I don't see any reason to complain about bronze if you're good enough to be gold for example, because if you're that good then it won't take you much time to get out of bronze, right?
Afro-G said:
Does your placement really matter when you can just climb the ranks anyway? I don't see any reason to complain about bronze if you're good enough to be gold for example, because if you're that good then it won't take you much time to get out of bronze, right?

I won 12 straight ranked games right after Bronze V, I obviously didn't belong there. Just weird.
Afro-G said:
Does your placement really matter when you can just climb the ranks anyway? I don't see any reason to complain about bronze if you're good enough to be gold for example, because if you're that good then it won't take you much time to get out of bronze, right?

Bad People.

Not that easy. :p
Eron said:
Afro-G said:
Does your placement really matter when you can just climb the ranks anyway? I don't see any reason to complain about bronze if you're good enough to be gold for example, because if you're that good then it won't take you much time to get out of bronze, right?

Bad People.

Not that easy. :p

Pick pubstompers, you will climb instantly. If you need a list of good pubstompers I can give them to you. And don't complain about the every-so-often afks/feeders, that will only put you on tilt and in a bad mood. Expect it to happen. It happens to everyone, in every division.
Well, I started playing again, and I've found just the perfect view to play without a care.
"The world sucks. People suck. But you don't have time for this, so just laugh at them."
Helps a lot.
>plays two karma support games
>feeds both games
>plays karma mid
>goes 7/1
>match doesn't show up in match history because of server bullshit

GG rito
Eron said:
Afro-G said:
Does your placement really matter when you can just climb the ranks anyway? I don't see any reason to complain about bronze if you're good enough to be gold for example, because if you're that good then it won't take you much time to get out of bronze, right?

Bad People.

Not that easy. :p
I just don't think it happens quite often enough to get stuck in low elo. I've lost because of bad players for sure, but I've had more games where my team was half-decent, we worked together and it's not that hard from there. I'm not claiming to be good either, I went 2-8 in placements and got Bronze 2 (yeah I know, doesn't make a lot of sense). That was me going straight into ranked when I wasn't ready. I waited a month or so, got better, started playing ranked again a few weeks ago and am now happy to say I'm silver 5. I'm not saying that's anything special either, I still have a lot to learn but hope I can slowly but surely continue to climb.

Edit: Oh yeah, TFW, I'm in the same league as you now, L0L.
It's not particularly hard to get out of Bronze, that's for sure. I started playing again after 5 months and within two weeks I got from Bronze 3, where I had dropped thanks to my inactivity, to high Bronze 1. But I can't say that bad people haven't hindered me. They have. I had to play my series for Bronze 1 three times.
Good thing I don't care that much anymore, so I can just laugh it off.
I just tried Susan (Nasus) he's OP as... only if you are able to farm, something that I did since the start of the game, first thing I got was a Ravenous Hydra, because I needed to damage the minions while I focused on 1, so, whenever I Q'd I could 1 shot them, I also built some MR and a Shiv, yes, A SHIV, well, because I went against a non tanky team, except for a Maokai, but that's another thing, as I could farm a lot I was OP, at the end of the match I got around 321 of bonus, pretty awe. Both teams' comp was horrible, we had no ADC, and they DID have ADC but... at mid so... we had 2 mirror champs, Twisted and Xin, ours did better. I got a Penta stealed... Legendary... they focused on me.... pretty much an awe game.
^If you're looking for a good nasus build, try to focus on tank stats and cooldown reduction. CDR allows you to farm your Q much faster and get as many stacks as possible, as well as increasing your damage in teamfights drastically since all of your damage comes from your Q. As temping as it is to build offensive to melt people, you do that anyway and without tank stats a good team will easily kite and kill you. The build I use most of the time is:

Frozen Heart (Extra mana to fuel your costs, CDR, and tank stats)
Spirit Visage (CDR, more tank stats, and the passive boosts your natural life steal)
Trinity Force (The only damage item you need, makes your next attack after activating Q even more powerful, as well as giving movement speed to chase people down)
Mercury Treads (Gives you tenacity, extremely valuable on a fairly immobile melee champion)
And other tank items. (Randuin's, Banshee's, etc.)

Try to get the Glacial Shroud and Kindlegem ASAP, since they both give you 10% CDR, then complete whichever one makes sense for your lane (Visage for AP, Frozen Heart for AD). Also take a tank mastery page with CDR, and 6 CDR glyphs if you can afford them. Hope this helped a bit!
Axell Starr said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
8-2 B2

I call hacks on Eron and Axell

Wyrm, I think you called hacks on me a monthish ago when I first got s4. XD So this makes time 2..I think.

I lost all ten of my provisionals because I thought I was good enough for them as soon as I hit level 30. I still got bronze 4, and for a while, I belonged there. Now I'm working my way up, slowly but surely.
Eron said:
I just tried Susan (Nasus) he's OP as... only if you are able to farm, something that I did since the start of the game, first thing I got was a Ravenous Hydra, because I needed to damage the minions while I focused on 1, so, whenever I Q'd I could 1 shot them, I also built some MR and a Shiv, yes, A SHIV, well, because I went against a non tanky team, except for a Maokai, but that's another thing, as I could farm a lot I was OP, at the end of the match I got around 321 of bonus, pretty awe. Both teams' comp was horrible, we had no ADC, and they DID have ADC but... at mid so... we had 2 mirror champs, Twisted and Xin, ours did better. I got a Penta stealed... Legendary... they focused on me.... pretty much an awe game.

I'm in the belief that Nasus literally does not need /any/ damaging items and can rely solely on his q scaling but if you do want to get a damage item... Get tri force or Iceborn Gauntlet. They both give Nasus chasing potential after Wither wares off and Nasus' q procs the spell blade effect, giving him much larger burst. Hydra is... a poor choice since he doesn't scale off of AD, usually doesn't want to push the wave quickly (and you have e when you want to), and already has enough innate life steal with the passive. After that build pure tank. Randuin's, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, Ninja Tabi/Mercs. CDR defensive items are generally preferred to get another q up more quickly.
alex said:
Eron said:
Bad People.

Not that easy. :p

Pick pubstompers, you will climb instantly. If you need a list of good pubstompers I can give them to you. And don't complain about the every-so-often afks/feeders, that will only put you on tilt and in a bad mood. Expect it to happen. It happens to everyone, in every division.

Hard to do that when you main support and are completely reliant on your team :p.
Thankfully my adc's have been less... stupid.
The Fire Wyrm said:
alex said:
Pick pubstompers, you will climb instantly. If you need a list of good pubstompers I can give them to you. And don't complain about the every-so-often afks/feeders, that will only put you on tilt and in a bad mood. Expect it to happen. It happens to everyone, in every division.

Hard to do that when you main support and are completely reliant on your team :p.
Thankfully my adc's have been less... stupid.

In that case, my best suggestion is to find an adc that you really like playing with and duo with them.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Hard to do that when you main support and are completely reliant on your team :p.
Thankfully my adc's have been less... stupid.

Having a terrible support isn't fun for us adc mains, either. This can really apply to the bot lane in general.
alex said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
Hard to do that when you main support and are completely reliant on your team :p.
Thankfully my adc's have been less... stupid.

In that case, my best suggestion is to find an adc that you really like playing with and duo with them.

His router exploded.
Next best thing is Pride, but our timezones are too different, and he plays too passive.
If pride's more comfortable with it let pride do it. Anyhoo, I've actually enjoyed the Skarner changes. The only real nerf to his overall damage was on the e, and that wasn't doing much to start with. The nerf to the scaling on his q isn't meaningful since he barely built ad anyway. The only thing the changes hurt is ap Skarner, which I wanted to try but never had a chance to :/ oh well. He's better now as a jungler, and with the new stun he can afford to go with tri-force instead of gauntlet if he doesn't badly need the armor. The tri-force fixes the slightly slower clear time nicely as well, which was all that was noticeable. Also enjoying Rengar a lot lately (in the jungle) he is such a beast.