Recent content by AverageAvenger

  1. AverageAvenger

    “Supercharged Breaker” Featuring Tera Pikachu ex Officially Revealed!

    Cyrano is kinda sweet actually. Gravity Mountain will definitely be good for Miraidon.
  2. AverageAvenger

    New Cards and Illustration Rares Revealed from “Mask of Change!”

    That Tatsugiri is nutty I think. But that has to be once per turn, no?
  3. AverageAvenger

    Standard [POST ROTATION] Land-Sharknado (Tera Garchomp ex V1)

    I must say, I’m pretty interested with the list! I’ll give it a shot as soon as I’m able!
  4. AverageAvenger

    Standard [POST ROTATION] Land-Sharknado (Tera Garchomp ex V1)

    I used the deckbuilder on! You can export your deck as text or as an image straight from there!
  5. AverageAvenger

    Standard [POST ROTATION] Land-Sharknado (Tera Garchomp ex V1)

    So, I did actually test around and make some edits myself. This is the list I'm sittin' pretty on right now, and I have been seeing some success with it. Pokémon (17) 4 Gible PAR 94 1 Gabite PAR 95 3 Garchomp ex PAR 38 2 Bidoof CRZ 111 2 Bibarel BRS 121 2 Raging Bolt ex TEF 123 1 Iron Hands ex...
  6. AverageAvenger

    Loyal Three, Kiernan, Carmine, and More Cards from “Mask of Change” Revealed!

    In love with both Kieran and Carmine. Kieran feels like a good one-of, Carmine feels HUGE for early game setup. Potentially substitutable with Research in some decks like Ancient Box.
  7. AverageAvenger

    Standard [POST ROTATION] Land-Sharknado (Tera Garchomp ex V1)

    Hi all, been far too long since I posted here. After taking a hiatus just before Tag Team era, I started playing again just around the time of 151. Gotta say, the feeling's never been more fun. After scraping together Miraidon for my local scene, I decided to bide my time after Paradox Rift, and...
  8. AverageAvenger

    50 Cards Revealed from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge,” Including Tera Pokemon, ACE SPEC, Illustration Rares!

    Taking a particular interest in Valiant there. Future Box with Xatu/Iron Crown, Crypto's, attach with Xatu, you're swinging for 200+.
  9. AverageAvenger

    I'm BACK

    I'm BACK
  10. AverageAvenger

    Standard Ultra Squids (Ultra Necrozma/Malamar)

    In case you want to have something to sub for a Metal energy that can help out nicely, might I suggest Unit Energy LPM?
  11. AverageAvenger

    Expanded Rotom Box Boisss

    One suggestion I would have is to try Gourgeist from Crimson Invasion and run just DCE. Pumpkin Bomb provides good attacking support as well as Discarding Tools while doing damage at the same time.
  12. AverageAvenger

    Standard Silvally GX w/ a Whole Lot of Memories

    Ah. I just figured you might want to use Weavile in case you want to interchange multiple tools at a time. Magearna works though.
  13. AverageAvenger

    Standard Silvally GX w/ a Whole Lot of Memories

    I do indeed like the deck though, really flexible.
  14. AverageAvenger

    Standard Silvally GX w/ a Whole Lot of Memories

    One little suggestion; play a 1-1 or 2-2 line of Steam Siege Weavile. It'll allow you to interchange memories really easily with it's ability Tear Away, which lets you put a Tool Card back into your hand as many times as you want during your turn.