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  • Thanks, and I kinda like the idea of the Landorus EX/Mewtwo EX/Terrakion deck. So... what should we go through to build the deck?
    Thanks again! I think I'll get started now :3
    But, it'd be cool to know how the metagame is right now. I remember talking to someone at the VGCs and he tells me that a dark deck is overpowered, so we must use a Terrakion or something like that...
    Thanks :D

    So, to start off: are there any online websites you can actually play TCG in? Since Yu-Gi-Oh gets dueling network, I thought Pokemon may have one too?
    Blah, I'm still unsure of how to get the team, and after that, maybe Saturday or sunday I can play. Not sure exactly. I'll get back to you though.
    It did get here and it looks *flawless*. I'll ref you soon, I really appreciate all you've done for me bro! :)
    Blah, Yeah, I found most of the time, Ho-Oh was more effective as an energy accelerator than an actual attacker. Between Rebirth + Energy Switch and DCE, I was actually able to OHKO Darkrai with Mewtwo ^^ I did the same thing to a Landurus EX in top cut. I played against Darkrai/Hydreigon second round in top cut, and the T1 pressure with Mewtwo is really nice. I T3'd him with Mewtwo, DCE, and no Supporters. Next game, I got a T1 Ho-Oh and Catcher'd his lone Deino. If that gives you an idea of what it can do. Ask me if there's anything else you want to know.
    My opponent couldnt get energy and then I just took out his pokemon with Landorus and Mewtwo and can you pm me your list. I wanna see what you did different than me.
    I lost both to Darkrai Decks, one was to Hammertime and I only run 7 fighting and 4 dce so I they just hammered me away and then I lost. The other was Darkrai Hydreigon and I whiffed on energy for 3 turns and then he beat me. My wins came againest Landorus/Darkrai/Ho-Oh and Blastoise/Keldeo. I would suggest running Super Rod or Energy Retreival because its hard when you get your energy taken away.
    Its pretty good in Landorus Mewtwo which is what I played it in at cities. Its really good because with an Aerodactyl you can knockout a Mewtwo with a double colorless with no eviolite. Its also good for Landorus because it can result in possible donks and it can 1 shot Darkrai with Land Judgement without having to discard. I think its better to run it in Landorus then not. The only problem is it can become catcher bait and its somewhat hard to get out, but if your gonna run it run 4 Aero 2-3 Twist mtn and 4 Old Amber. Hope I helped
    just beat world 4-1.

    When you get there, tell me how to get to 4-2, because I got a different Sticker Star Piece and unlocked 4-5 instead.

    also, hint on the world 3 boss (that has the most awesome music ever), use the SPONGE when it turns purple
    Blah, I wish I could. I can't ever sleep until like 3am, even if I force myself to wake up at 6am, I still go to sleep the same time, or later. But never earlier.
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