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  • Blah, Here you go. I only have like half an hour, but i'kk be back after that.
    Blah, Oh okay, makes more sense than what I thought you meant.
    Blah, It's not like I'm going to one any time soon, or ever. I was just wondering since they seem really in frequent and the last one that existed was 2 months ago in Georgia... at least, that's what the internet tells me.

    and what exactly do you mean by the decks are too cheap?? also you haven't actually seen my binder so you don't necessarily know if my cards are bad.. xDD
    Blah, I am NOT spending 60 dollars for a whole new deck lol. I have so many cards here, and its sad to waste all of them. especially since I actually have good cards too!

    and seriously, I have no idea how much money that must've been spent on this binder but it was definitely a lot of money....
    Blah, well at least I'd be able to use some of this binder that's just sitting around. I'd actually have a much better chance than playing with meadowbubble's extras, which are basic and apparently "terrible" cards. I don't want to spend money buying more cards just to play a new format :/
    Blah, Do they ever have unlimited format tournaments anywhere near here lol. (or in the country; not that I'd go that far for one but) :/
    Blah, Yeah i know. I won the whole event in the end. Yeah :D Then I would have won the professor cup tourney, but I scooped after every win to give you mortals a chance
    Blah, no im not :p

    Also my 2nd round opponent was Cybertron and my 3rd was Ra2terra. Justintam also got 3rd. EmmetCHH got 6th lol pokebeach. 7 pokebeach pplz lol.
    Blah, its ok i misplayed and pretty much gave away the game. GG. lol its a small world. howd u know?
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