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  • I'd love to battle you for the Off-season tournament sometime. Would you like to get a match set up?
    I should mention, I'm a slow writer normally. It can take me between a week and a month to crank out a full new chapter, not to mention I also spend quite a bit of time proofreading/revising to try and keep my fanfic quality up.
    The base minimum for the Writer's Corner is supposed to be two pages on MS Word (or about 1000 words), but I sometimes give people some leeway if it looks like they're making an effort even if their chapters come up a little short. I personally won't write chapters less than five pages long, though I typically average between seven and ten depending on how inspired I feel about what I'm writing.
    I usually try to aim for at least one or two pages on MS Word per day, but if you find yourself limited for time, you can always just write a little bit every other day (even if it's just like a paragraph or two).
    Blah237, The best feeling ever was beating The Maw on the original game on legendary with about 1 second left. My brother and I threw a fit and ran around the house screaming how epic we were. Hopefully I can get the same experience this time. And the best terminal by far was on the level where you kill Captain Keyes while he's transformed into the flood. I had goosebumps.
    Blah237, You're in the same boat I'm in. I'm on the last level (the maw) on regular, and the game is just fun to play because of the nostalgia. Although I have to say, my favorite addition to the anniversary edition are the terminals. They offer so much insight to the Halo story and are amazing graphically. I suggest you look for every possible one. :] There are also many other easter eggs in the game, from troll face to the classic skulls. A fantastic game.
    Blah237, I was playing Halo CE Anniversary, when all of a sudden: "Blah237 wants to be your friend"
    *Excited Pose* Can't wait to play you sometime. And thanks.
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