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  • Grrr, PB quit and I can't get back on it. Try the Pokerealm server if you want to battle me.
    Get on the PB server, then. That's where I am, building a team for the tournament of RAIMBOs.
    Blah237, oh i love that part. Lolno

    Uh, nope, no shortcut until you make it there the first time then you just fast travel.

    And honestly, i didnt even bother with the troll. I just ran away from it
    Blah237, yup, right where you saved.
    Tip, SAVE OFTEN.

    Ragequit today becuase i didnt save when i shouldve
    Blah237, Yup :3

    So yeah, dont hesistate to just profile comment or whatever. But begining tip, dont just play only one playstyle (Just warrior, or just mage, or just archer). Pick two, or else your going to have a very tough time. I was a warrior/mage, in case you were wondering
    Blah237, Actually, there's an infinite amount of stuff to do.

    The developers have made it in such a way that side-quests are infinitely generated, so you can never finish everything, lol.

    I wish I had help when I played through it, lol. No spoilers, but there's this one mission where you have to talk to a character which is usually an enemy, so I attacked it on instinct, killed it and thought it would talk to me. It got all its health back, and proceeded to attack me. None the less, I killed it another 3 times before dying, googling how to do the mission, and realizing I wasn't supposed to attack the character -.-

    That was a fun time ^_^
    Blah237, hmm really dont want to deal with this right now Ill read it later ok
    Blah237, I did that on purpose, it was my first YouTube username
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