Meaty Jun 2, 2012 I really hate to throw you under the bus like this, but... I can't go to Santa Clara. D:
Meaty May 28, 2012 blargh257, Well I desperately want to... That doesn't mean that it's very likely. :/
Meaty May 27, 2012 blargh257, I owned Electrodes then, but Declan traded for all of them. And still owes me for them...
Meaty May 27, 2012 blargh257, No I just don't have Electrodes... I was borrowing them at Regionals xD
don()shinobi May 25, 2012 Well, I guess I'm paired up against you in the tournament. Let me know when you're ready.
C C Celebi23 May 17, 2012 blargh257,
Meaty May 15, 2012 blargh257, It's kind of an awesome game. I can tell you this from 3 games played and 15 episodes watched.
blargh257, It's kind of an awesome game. I can tell you this from 3 games played and 15 episodes watched.
D D DNA May 13, 2012 You, trolling? I never said that, and I certainly wasn't trying to imply it. All I said was that someone be trolling.
You, trolling? I never said that, and I certainly wasn't trying to imply it. All I said was that someone be trolling.
iisnumber12 May 12, 2012 blargh257, Bottom line, my family wants to go, but we are deciding if we should use the money for it.
blargh257, Bottom line, my family wants to go, but we are deciding if we should use the money for it.