Brave Vesperia
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  • Brave Vesperia, yup, thanks!

    Looking at our time difference though... 13 hours. The only time I'm able to be online on weekdays is when I get back home from work around this time, which looks like early morning for you. And you're probably still asleep or maybe going off to school/work so I think it'll be difficult for us to schedule a battle :p

    I think the best and safest time we can battle on is during the weekend. I'm usually just at home on my laptop the entire day on weekends. And I get up relatively early. So, we'll just have to choose between:

    1) Friday night for you = Saturday morning for me
    2) Saturday morning for you = Saturday night for me
    3) Saturday night for you = Sunday morning for me
    4) Sunday morning for you = Sunday night for me

    Just choose what is the most convenient time range for you and we'll work on the details from there. :)
    Brave Vesperia,

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I think there's some interesting possibilities with the new trainer cards. And I am pretty much anti-EX so I'm always looking for ways to beat them. Don't want to give away too much haha
    Brave Vesperia, Brave Vesperia,
    Yes I have tried Phantom Forces and I also bought a Phantom Forces Booster Box. I am really liking Dialga/Bronzong and Gengar/Dragalge.
    Brave Vesperia, Agreed. Anyway, I don't have it ATM, I might get it some time in the near future though.
    Brave Vesperia, I'm not sure on what you mean. I haven't gone to the TCG part of the fandom these days ever since the fake cards over here started to look ridiculously fake and not just a mistype/lighter back color/not-a-holo-foil (I mean, the fakes started to have stuff like 2000 HP and 4 energy cost on everything, wow).
    Brave Vesperia, Hi, thanks for the welcome. I played yveltal/darkrai/garbs at last years nationals in australia and i did quite well as that was my first TCG event. nowadays i prefer plasma deck and yveltal/garbs/friends deck. no PF testing yet unfortunately since it's exam times at uni right now. how about you?
    Brave Vesperia,
    Yeah, Donphan/Trevenant is pretty fun to play and pretty inexpensive for what it is.
    A bad match up for it is any Yveltal deck, because yveltal can one shot trevenant.
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