Brave Vesperia
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  • why are you always on at midnight, in the Eastern Time Zone, and always beat EVERYONE to the birthday greetings?
    Brave Vesperia, Yes, I play the TCG, but my screen name is ATA11.

    Edit: What's your tcgo screen name ill request you and maybe we could play
    Brave Vesperia, The problem with Computer Search is that it discards cards. In most decks I wouldn't care, but whenever I have to use Ultra Ball to get that Trubbish/Garbodor I cringe, because I always have to discard something useful.
    Brave Vesperia, Yeah I know, I haven't had a lot of problems with it because I'm playing against lists that don't use it (Mostly because they don't need it or don't have the room...e.g. Klinklang, Rayeels, Keldeo) but I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of different decks out there, and mono fighting Garbo doesn't really have a lot of variety. So yeah, good point :3 If I do go with that variant, I have no idea what Ace Spec to use XP Victory Piece is obvious, but I'm not playing 3 Victini (yet) so I never even need to use it anyway. Scramble Switch is cool for getting the last prize with Mewtwo, and Computer Search is...Computer Search.
    Brave Vesperia, Mono Fighting/Garbodor, Victini/Mewtwo/Tornadus/Garbodor, or Rayeels. I just don't like anything else. Keldeo loses to Klinklang, Rayeel, AND Garbodor, Klinklang is good but it's so overhyped that people are probably playing against it, and as for all the Darkrai variants...they're good, I just refuse to play them. I think the reason why I've narrowed it down to my three decks is because they all share the same problem--decks that don't have a Pokemon engine and are designed to just get out their Pokemon and attack as early as possible.
    Brave Vesperia, Probably :3 Although funds might be short cuz I'm going to megacon the week before.
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