Brave Vesperia
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  • The Aura Is With Me 8, lol I fail. I sent my end so you should get it soon :) Sorry for not getting back to you. I've been so busy with work and the holidays that I just sent as soon as I received.
    The Aura Is With Me 8, Tornadus is player's choice. I personally hate it, since it's really bad outside of the Donphan matchup (which is not very popular), and it's often not enough to swing that matchup. You'd have to run multiple copies like you were doing, but running two cards to hard counter a deck that's Tier 2 at best is impractical.

    The deck functions with three Rare Candy, but never go below four Collector in any deck. I think the 3-3 Eelektrik works fine, and a Super Rod would probably take priority over a larger line. However, there are often times where I wish I had the fourth Tynamo. You only need two Eelektrik out in a game, so it seems pointless to run four. I'd say a 4-3 line of that would work best if you do want to bump it up. However, I advise a 2/2 split if the Tynamos. CaKE and Chandelure have gotten really popular.

    I don't love the Shaymin idea. There's rarely a situation where it's better than Switch in this deck, and bench space is tight without it. I'd say Zekrom is the better choice hands-down. Without it, you're at a huge disadvantage in mirror, especially if that spot goes toward Tornadus.
    that would be cool pm it to me if u have time. well i made reshora deck and a absol and lucario deak....i dont have a name 4 that one sorry!!!
    haha well its nice to here from u. i play the cards all the time and i have many deaks right
    the aura is with me8, Yeah I remember that, you forgot to pick the prize, so i couldnt click which active to send up...
    np. I wish it worked, because I could make a list with my favorite card (magnezone prime), and favorite pokemon (gardevoir).
    Oh, yea. Sorry, but it doesn't work. I asked it to the professors and I guess its energy cards, not actual energy
    I was just reading a card review by you on magnezone prime, and how does gardevoir help it out?
    the aura is with me8, You can say that about any deck.

    No one worries about Quilava's being catchered or pachirisu's being catchered. Catcher is a problem for every deck, its just how it works.
    the aura is with me8, I guess this would be possible, but its not something I'd consider just because with my list, I'd be spreading a bunch and finishing off with Kyurem so getting KO's isn't that huge of a priority
    the aura is with me8, AWWW YEEE it does, I've still working on it currently. It's great man so great
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