keybLade, I prefer nature theme better, but wasn't truth for White and ideals for Black? Anyway, I could trade you some version exclusives if you want.
It depends, really. If you have Black, get B2 and if you have White, get W2.
Black 2 has Challenge Mode, though, and I'm getting White 2. You could get Black 2 so we can trade version exclusives.
well I did have my name changed, I was BrOkenICE.
[although I don't think we ever talked in full anyway]
But whatever. Are you free today? If you are, I could have PO run in the background all day, so whenever you're ready you could just challenge me.
I have no idea how you have almost six thousand posts and I have no idea who you are, but you're my opponent for the no items tourney. lmk when you can vs.