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  • Camoclone, I live in Charlotte so I go to spandex city for league. In hoping I can go to Cornelius for the prerelease.
    So I have no opinions whatsoever about any deck at all. I have like ~60 ideas to try out tho :\
    Camoclone, I would prefer it to just be released as an uncommon, as I'm of the opinion that all playable cards should be rather inexpensive. Rayquaza DRX went up to 100$ when it was just a secret rare, and that wasn't even a very good card, so I'd be concerned that beach would maintain an unreasonably high price if it only existed as a secret rare.
    Camoclone, I've owned one at various times, but I was always too scared to hold on to it for any extended period of time due to how expensive it was.

    I wouldn't necessarily say I hate the card--but I hate the fact that I can't play decks like Blastoise (which is one of the best decks in the format, in my opinion) simply because I'm not willing to shell out 500+ dollars on three cards. The effect of the card is very good for the game because it promotes the viability of Stage 2 decks, but when a majority of the player base has no access to that card (or isn't willing to shell out an absurd amount of money for it), it becomes absolutely terrible for the game. Right now, I just want to see the card rotate so I don't feel cutoff from decks that had to play it.
    prerelease>eagle scouts... for the camp "major" I'm going:

    1. Billiards (we can practice at my house lol I suck at it)
    2. Tennis (i suck at this too, I wish there was soccer... :mad:
    3. idk

    If you have no clue what I'm talking about then too bad for you.
    Camoclone, Nah, MS isn't really appealing to me. From , watching a few games, something tells me that my "bold and reckless" approach won.'t be appreciated :p
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