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  • i feel like handing out a comment....*hands comment to pikachutofu*

    welcome back? glad to see you back?....im not sure if you are back or not ;D
    You know the exact day when I was modded? ._. You sure there aren't things you know about me...? >.> I was looking at your bio and now I feel like I should go on Pokebeach Chat more now than ever. All the cool kids are doing it right? =P Whoa, whoa, whoa....I'm on your buddies list? :') I... I so feel happy all of a sudden. *Afro-G goes to add PikachewTofu on his buddies list* :]
    Fetish - Something or someone you are obsessed with and devote much of your time with it/him/her.
    PikachewTofu, I actually am denying it because "girls" implies there is more than one involved, and that is simply not true.
    I added Bellomence on my buddy list for lololololz.

    She scares me a bit.

    EDIT: She's actually really cool to talk to on chat. There's more than meets the eye...
    Hah. I doubt that. This riot about Pokebeach blowing up is almost as funny as everyone freaking out about another predicted Rapture date.

    I don't know you either (besides the fact you were modded exactly 41 days ago), but thanks for the comment XD
    I thought you were leaving Pokebeach. =P Haha, jk. I hate to see anybody leave even though I don't know you. It doesn't really make a difference whether your here or not because the forums are going to get blown up. :'(
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