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  • Celebi23, lol. Apparently. It stinks I lost the last 2 games in Top 2, I won the first one, then just got trash hands. I was undefeated until that point :/ Congrats on top 4 btw.
    Celebi23, Ah, and I'll be at WA on the 24th, guaranteed. I doubt I'll go to BC, as I don't have a current passport. I may drive down to CA for it, but that depends on Megaphone being up to riding along with me or not.

    Oh come on, should have made yourself known then :p Who were you?
    http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/429662_2825365159576_1422432171_32176127_1062481495_n.jpg I'm in the center of the camera, Megaphone being next to me with the pins on his jacket :)
    Yes! You can hang onto the cards I lent you until States are through. Although if there's some you know you won't use, I can take 'em if I see you on Saturday. 95.89% sure I'll be there.
    curious about your pokemon counts in your cmt deck, looks like you were looking to drop the shaymin ex, but what ratio do you run of regigias/virizion/tornadus/mewtwo? i find it tough running more than say 8 non celebi pokemon in this deck to allow for more consistent hands. also what are your thoughts on the evolites, i saw you were thinking of adding another? i actually took them out of my deck completely. just curious to hear other opinions of the deck, thanks!
    My phone died last night. Just resurrected it... I'm planning on leaving straight from work Saturday morning to make it to Surrey by 9:00.
    "Mewtwo just to OHKO my Regigigas-EX. "

    What were you playing?

    "For example, in Top 8, I could have Knocked Out his Cleffa with Tornadus, but I instead opted to attach the energy to Virizion so I could Double Draw if he N'd me next turn."

    I would have ko'd the Cleffa and moved the energy to Virizion...
    That must have been a fascinating T16 game. Very nice getting T4... I'll catch up to you next week :p I'll look for your report... look for mine tomorrow
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