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  • Could we set a date for tomorrow? It's a bad time for me now...

    I am around 3-6 EST tomorrow guaranteed. Stupid time zones; would any of those times work for you?

    No problem. When I talked to Glaceon about it, he said he wouldn't be interested in it if it was a whole tournament, but then I thought of just using it in a single round. Thanks!

    Well, I was referring to if you wanted to use it in the Mini Cup (I don't know if you wanted to use other ideas for it). If there's space open to put it in for a round, I'll take it.

    See, I'd actually like to see such an idea get finished, so a round for the Mini Cup might be an interesting idea. It's completely up to you though.
    I can't think of anything to counter that rush of Mewtwos. Would a 1-0-1 Magnezone line do the trick? Even if the person attacked the Magnemite, it would still give me an extra turn to attack with Reshiram or Mewtwo. Plus I could use it in other games against other decks, and it is extra drawpower.

    I wouldn't mind hosting such a tourney, but if you want to do this idea for a round in a Mini Cup, I wouldn't mind that either, since TCG tourneys here tend to be unfinished (except for Mini Cups, which I why I suggested that).

    Well, yeah, this is when I tell you about it.

    So my idea was a No Switching Tournament. What happens is that cards such as Pokemon Catcher, Reversal, Circulator, Vanilluxe ND, and Switch are all banned (plus some cards I can't think of ATM), and retreating is also banned. This prevents each opponent from retreating or switching their Pokemon out of the Active position.

    Seem good? I wasn't planning on doing it right now because of all the other tourneys running amok, but maybe in a month or so.
    I had an idea for a TCG tournament, but I wanted to clear it by you first. I dun know if it's good, but if you are interested, LMK.
    Celebi23, the worst part is that we have to keep up with it all :p
    studying for the Professor Exam can take a solid two hours
    Celebi23, as per section 15.4 of the Tournament Rules, the only requirements for a reference is that it must be local-language and be outside the deck.
    There's no requirement it needs to be in a different sleeve (since sleeves aren't required to begin with), but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to use a different color sleeve! (I do that myself, actually.)
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