'Dude have you ever been to Australia? It is pretty much known for its natural disasters.... It is the wealthiest place in the world to get sandstorms, and most developed. Red Devils swallow people up whole. Heat waves usually happen about once per year leading to droughts... Bug then you have the less arid places which can get prone to flooding.'
>Lives in Australia, and when discussing Australia, says we
>Dude, have you been to Australia?
The last time the place I live in got a sandstorm was 2007. It was just red dust. Don't know what a. Red Devil is... We get droughts without the heat waves. The last MAJOR bushfire was Melbourne a couple years ago (a few months ago we have a few deadly ones, but not enough to rip through and kill hundreds) and floods aren't as bad as South Asia.
All in all, we get almost all of the natural disasters, but in a much lower scale then a lot of other places.