I think I'll be okay. I'm two-thirds of the way done (I have only the midterm left), and then I can start packing. I don't leave until Friday afternoon, and it's Wednesday right now.
ChillBill, busy! I'm heading off to NorCal Regionals this weekend, so I'm rushing to try and finish up all my schoolwork early! It's going okay so far, but I do have 1 online midterm...
<HauntedWater>: AWW YES
<HauntedWater>: I just got an idea for another werewolf game
<HauntedWater>: spinoff
<HauntedWater>: but
<HauntedWater>: The Last of Us edition werewolf
<HauntedWater>: excuse me while squee for a couple of minutes at my genius