R R Rally Apr 21, 2013 ChillBill, One quick question: Does the game crash for you after an online match?
R R Rally Apr 21, 2013 I can't find you on LoL. Like you said, your one the EUNE server. Thanks for the help though. Could you just meesage me tips?
I can't find you on LoL. Like you said, your one the EUNE server. Thanks for the help though. Could you just meesage me tips?
Haunted Water Apr 20, 2013 speaking of WWXX, shouldn't the sign-up phase be done with? also, WWXXI. You have a price on you.
Haunted Water Apr 20, 2013 ChillBill, Anytime you feel like doing one on PB man, I'm up for it. Just think, if you can run WWXX well, can you imagine what we'd be capable of?
ChillBill, Anytime you feel like doing one on PB man, I'm up for it. Just think, if you can run WWXX well, can you imagine what we'd be capable of?
Ysmir Apr 18, 2013 ChillBill, Sure, I'd love that. Sorry I missed you earlier today. I had left Pokebeach up so while I was online I wasn't actually on.
ChillBill, Sure, I'd love that. Sorry I missed you earlier today. I had left Pokebeach up so while I was online I wasn't actually on.
Misaluna Apr 17, 2013 ChillBill, thats fast. My sch year just started hahas. So not used to waking up early..