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  • What did I miss on Skype last nite? I got sick from eating some bad apples and while I was waiting for the nausea to go away I fell asleep. All I know is that it must've been urgent because Ryan left me a comment saying that he needs to talk to me right now.
    I'm still against the thread, but as long as people are being civil about it, I don't mind.
    But they weren't, so yeah. I wanted to prevent it from getting out of hand. And you're doing that, so thank you.
    It's definitely worth getting while it's on-sale. I didn't waste any time buying it when it first came out, and I've been enjoying it ever since.
    ...No, you're not... But I was so embarassed about defending it that I deleted my posts about it before anybody had a chance to quote me. Frankly, I'm pissed that I'm the only one here who actually likes the app. I thought it was definitely worth the fifteen bucks I spent on it just to see Pokemon in sharp 3D graphics for a change. The 'free' Pokedex 3D made the creatures blurry when you toggled the 3D switch, whereas 3D Pro makes them look really good. Furthermore, 3D Pro has a lot more content than people give it credit. The quizzes alone could make it qualify as its own game, but the AR viewer is especially fun to experiment with. I can't stand it when people only talk crap about things I like ONLY in response to a bunch of positive things I said about them. It's rude, immature, and downright disrespectful! Furthermore, when I try to talk to them about it, they typically just start insulting me because I like the thing. This was generally the case when I was still a mod too, which was why I almost never posted anything outside of the Writing Cafe...
    Okay. I was just wondering after reading your convo with Teeboy. It's an excellent game that will keep you on your toes and give you cartoon-y nightmares for weeks
    YOU NEVER PLAYED LUIGI'S MANSION?! :O You missed out on a spectacular and horrifying game!
    I'm sure it is, but don't hold it against me if it isn't. Mewtwo has so many cameos in the anime that it's ridiculous.
    Mewtwo, I thought. It was such a brief appearance, though, so I may be mistaken.
    So if this is what I was traded, what should I do?
    Smeargle' pid='2398952' dateline='1361934042 said:
    Hello again! I have an Oblivia Heatran, and am wondering if you have a DW Bulbasuar and if so what nature, IV's, and HP type.

    I should have seven more DW Bulbasaur. My Modest ones are flawless with HP Fire for its Hidden Power
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