Cinema, Cool! Do you have a list in mind? I am working on mine ATM. I wish I could go to a prerelease... I wish my Dad could also go to states with me.
The only new card I play in mine is Mewtwo EX, but others could be Shaymin EX, EXP Share, Skyarrow Bridge, and probably some others. My mom is slowly learning but barely knows how to play still, but she did agree to go to the prerelease!
Cinema, Cool! You have to win! I can't go to worlds as my Mom and Dad don't really support Pokemon, just Golf. What deck are you going to try and play? I am going to try and play CTM, maybe.... I haven't decided yet.
Cinema, Aw.... :/ It;s okay. Please send ASAP then I am going to test for states. I have to test for states. As, I started to tested for Regs 3 days before.