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  • seriously tho I watched the hell out of G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Mobile Suit Gundam, and Gundam X

    like holy shit
    Don't apologize! I'm surprised anyone cared in the first place. Thank you very much.
    I don't know if you use Twitter or not, but I'm trying to bring the Pokémon XY 3DS Systems over to North America! I'm having everyone tweet and post using the hashtag: #PokemonXY3DSForNorthAmerica and constantly share the hashtags to Pokemon and Nintendo's Twitter accounts. Hope you can help us and join the cause!
    Cinesra, Yeah. That happens a lot in anime :x

    There are a lot of anime websites that give recommended cut-off times for animes that are better if you don't finish them haha.
    Cinesra, Yes. I think it's a bit overhyped, but still very good.
    now go post that on equinox's wall if you haven't already
    Cinesra, that's a pretty kewl source I guess...but I still could find a thundurus inspired eva. :(
    Cinesra, Memories has more flaws than melodies I think. You may not like melodies at first though. I didn't like it until a bit later in the series.
    Cinesra, You should make it. I'd join it in a heartbeat! That is actually an awesome theme for werewolf and really fits. I would try and make it but uh, I don't think I have the willpower to do that much work.
    Cinesra, agreed. I think the writer might have changed or something because the quality definitely got worse halfway through the show. Still, awesome anime that I had a mild obsession over for a few weeks lol
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