What do you think you might run?
Umm, I dont have many ultrapro, I have some red and some black I think, I have some Red, White, and Purple dragon Sleeves and I have some Reshi/Zekky ultra pro sleeves
Oh, Virizon basically kills Terrakion. Plus, when I have tested and spammed Tornadus, my opponents would just SSU every single time and Land Crush w/ another. Against Landorus/Terrakion, the same thing happened and it really annoyed me
3 has helped me in the war. In my testing against ZekEels, it is hard to win w/out 3 because the opponent would just kill both mine then sweep my Tornadus. I play 3 1. because everyone only expects for others to play 2 and 2. because, again, it helps in the ZekEels matchup. Also it helps against mirror because even if I try to avoid the war, someone like Nikhil would drag me into it.