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  • Matryoshka and I were talking about the nuzlocke earlier, especially the Eeveelutions and the Birds, and came up with this idea:


    Let us know if you've got a different idea.
    I find it hard to believe you're my offspr-
    Wait, you're not Carl. My mistake. Carry on.
    I do go on skype. >:I You just didnt add my new one. >:C llucario1995 Had to leave the other one because someone hacked it. o3o
    Thank you very much, dude! It really means so much coming from you guys.
    Aww, that sucks man, but those things happen. If you still want to work on it, or just brainstorm for anything, I'm here to help.
    That's quite an intro, haha. It's going to make creating a story that reflects such an intro that much tougher, but I think it would be worth it.
    Oh, right. I remember discussing this before, but it's been so long that I had forgotten, haha. As far as plot? Perhaps something Legendary-related, or building off Legendary Pokemon lore. As an example, using Jirachi's wish powers for more nefarious means than whatever that magician guy was going to do in the movie. It's not the next John Grisham novel, but it's a start, which is much better than what I can usually do.
    I don't have much besides Cyborg Ghetsis, haha. If I do come up with something, I'll let you know. Since Red seems to be the main character, I'm not sure whether he should be limited to a Kanto-only storyline or not.
    Delta' pid='2278988' dateline='1341184640 said:
    The spoilers nor table stretch the page to me.

    Also, that would be grand if you could. How do you want the code?

    Hope you don't mind me fixing it. You left out one tr tag.

    Also, the thread is beautiful.
    Anytime you want to CREATE MAGIC, I'll be up for it. ;3 And I'm still certain that Ghetsis should be a cyborg.
    Delta, I want to stop babying myself with Stylish Layout. To that end, I should devote myself to practicing and getting better at using those characters, instead of trying to get the few unlockables I don't have yet.

    Jin and Platinum both look like LOTS of fun; I think I'll try one of them first.
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