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  • Delta, I know </3

    Im thinking of changing my username to like Garrus/Thane/Legion. so tempting >:[
    Delta, GAH, I ragequit last night on the mission where you go and find the Illusive Man and blow his brains out (or at least I hope that's how the mission ends) and I haven't played since. Im going to league now, and then have school stuff to do so I probably wont be able to finish it till tomorrow D:
    Delta, Yeah. I dont have Tali or Garrus, so I'm limited to EDI, Liara, James and Ashley, and they all suck aside from EDI/Liara
    Delta, I never romanced Tali so I just looked it up on Youtube. And I know, losing Garrus sucked. He was one of my top 3 </3

    Top 3 in no order

    Delta, See, when you say Garrus mission, I feel horrible inside because I lost Garrus in ME2 and I dont know </3

    But yeah, that's the same mission we're talking about. Did you do the Rachni mission with Grunt? Oh my god it seemed like he was going to die because I chose to save the Queen a second time and i was legit going to snap the disc for ME3 if he died but he didnt and it was all good.

    I romanced Miranda but she died too lol. Also, they show you Tali's face later on.
    Delta, Oh my god, the background of the burning planet on the Palaven Moon mission, stunning <3

    Im finishing my original save all the way from ME1, and I lost like 5 people on the suicide mission in ME2 so it's so lonely </3

    My ideal playthrough from ME2 with everyone saved though is next :)
    Delta, Crucible from Thessia? Dont you mean the artifact from thessia? And im on that exact mission too >:[
    Delta, Oh my god its so good. What are you up to? dont spoil the ending though if you got that far
    pretty much from 2 weeks after the outbreak til a few months or something before you see the character in the comics
    Delta, Ah, you mean the Interstella 555 cast, the aliens. Yeah, that's the music videos to their arguably best album, Discovery. I'm glad you enjoy them. ^.^
    Delta, What? I believe the "Blue Guys" you are referring to (the ones in my signature) are The Bloody Beetroots. This is Daft Punk, and they're far from generic. The guy in my avatar is Franck Rivoire, AKA Danger. I hope I removed any confusion you had.
    Uninstall, Nope, I'm actually not. I just put that in my sig because lluc was getting rid of it xD
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