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  • Yeah, hehe, maybe. At the end it said something about New Orleans and "odd events" happening there. It's probably going to be a sequel, especially since York said "have you been keeping an eye on the news, Zach?" which implies what has happened happened recently.

    Maybe this one will be like the Directors Cut and have some odd moe costume for the female protagonist.

    ... Because that makes sense for a police officer...?
    You hear that, Zach? Delta agrees. SWERY said they might have one in the works... Do you remember what the end of the first game was, Zach? I know I remember. It hinted at a sequel.
    Delta, agreed -- there's really no better feeling than when things go well artistically!
    "Not Really FF6 Spoilers"

    ...I still haven't gotten very far in the game and I currently have zero urge to keep playing it, but
    that there scene is beautiful
    ...and Ultros showing up at the end just made it even better
    I already have cloaking and desperately want double KO, so I'll add upgraded pistol on my list of cool stuff I need.
    Also, I'm still pretty early in the game (I'm juggling Deus Ex with The Last of Us and Saints Row the Third), are there any augmentations/other things you'd recommend for me to get now instead of later?
    Alright, that makes sense. I'll go for the "use stealth unless you get caught" tactic, then.
    Well, I'm going to use combat when necessary, but so far stealth sections have been a blast. Are there any benefits for using stealth/non-lethal tactics?
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