M M MrGatr Jan 14, 2013 U are still talking to me you know that too right? > Says I don't exist > Continue's debate Y U no cut your hair??
U are still talking to me you know that too right? > Says I don't exist > Continue's debate Y U no cut your hair??
Reshiwott Jan 12, 2013 FOOOOOXXXXXEEESSSS Funny how pokemon release a fennec fox pokemon in the same year as I study them...
FOOOOOXXXXXEEESSSS Funny how pokemon release a fennec fox pokemon in the same year as I study them...
D D DNA Jan 10, 2013 dmaster, just for that comment, you will be the first to die when the frogs take over.
D D DNA Jan 10, 2013 dmaster, ah, but you see, Pokemon frogs shall take over Pokemon France. Oui oui.
G G Glace Dec 31, 2012 The one you replied to. The PB changes one. I assumed since it was recent that would be enough, sorry it wasn't.
The one you replied to. The PB changes one. I assumed since it was recent that would be enough, sorry it wasn't.
PG24 Dec 28, 2012 lol clips pull out the close win vs the jazz ... and then we have to play them again x____x